
4th Jan 2007

X-Men 3 (2006)

Question: Why did they cast an English actor to play Juggernaut when in the comics he is born and raised in America?

Answer: Because they felt Vinnie Jones was best suited for the part. Movie-makers are in no way required to adhere to every single little detail about the comic book characters, and in fact made several small changes to better suit the story and the media of film.


13th Jun 2006

X-Men 3 (2006)

Question: Why at the end is Rogue allowed back to the mansion to rejoin the X-men if she is no longer a mutant?

Answer: Because the people living there are her friends. It is never stated that she comes back for good, but she wanted to see them and explain what she had done, not to mention physically touching Bobby. Also, Rogue might not have that many places to go, since the school has become her home. The X-Men would be willing to give a friend and former comrade a place to stay while she rearranged her life.


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