
25th Apr 2009

X-Men 3 (2006)

Corrected entry: We see that Pyro is able to create fire to blow up flying cars. However, in X2, he says that he cannot create fire. He only controls it, which is why he always has his lighter.

Paul Pepiton

Correction: Earlier in the movie we get to see how he has rigged up a small device to his forearm, that functions as a lighter, producing a small flame for him to work with.


11th Jan 2008

X-Men 3 (2006)

Corrected entry: In the opening scene at Jean Grey's house, we see the water from the hose going up, but neither Magneto nor Xavier has the power to do this: Magneto can control metal and Xavier is a telepath.


Correction: Neither Xavier nor Magneto are doing anything in this scene, it's all Jean Grey. And SHE has no problem using telekinesis.


8th Jun 2006

X-Men 3 (2006)

Corrected entry: In the van when the brotherhood attacks to get Mystique, she is shot with one of the darts of the gun. This should leave three. Magneto keeps the gun. But when Jean takes it apart and plays with Magneto, there are four again.

Correction: The handgun used by the guard in the moving prison does not resemble the guns used later by the soldiers. There is no way to say for certain how many needles go into the handgun, so it may have held five darts.


3rd Jun 2006

X-Men 3 (2006)

Corrected entry: In the second film Magneto escapes the entire prison with only the aid of 3 ball bearings. He could have easily ripped the cars apart and used them as bullets against the troops guarding Lech and hit them with 100% accuracy or even made the cars spin like tops and slam into the guards. All he did was throw cars in random directions and let Pyro light them and hope for the best. This goes beyond a character mistake, as Magneto's often been shown to make very good use of metal around him, whereas here he just doesn't bother so it benefits the plot.


Correction: Still, it is his choice to use the cars as artillery shells rather than bullets. Maybe he just wanted to attract attention while his fellow mutants got to Leech, maybe he simply wanted a big, flashy and intimidating show for the humans watching. It is impossible to say for certain what a character's motives are, based on such circumstantial evidence as this.


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