
Corrected entry: At the very beginning of the movie, we see a bottle of champagne flying in space and crashing upon the hull of the Enterprise-B. Champagne is squirting around. Well, as Khan said, it's very cold in space. The champagne should be frozen and be shattered into little pieces.

Correction: Even today, they make special (read: cheap) champagne to be used when launching ships that is never intended for drinking. In the future of Star Trek, the need to have a "champagne" that will survive a few moments in space has arisen, so if the champagne is still the same not-intended-for-drinking special brand, it would be conceivable that they added some heavy-duty anti-freeze.


Correction: No atmosphere in space means no convection or conduction to carry away heat. Radiant heat loss is slow, and the specific heat of water is high, so not enough time for a bottle to freeze anyway.

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