
30th Apr 2009

Heroes (2006)

Season 3 generally

Question: If Adam Monroe hadn't have had his power absorbed by Arthur Petrelli and subsequently died, would he have died anyway by the time of the eclipse?


Chosen answer: Probably not - he survived through earlier eclipses unscathed. The eclipse appears to negate powers, but doesn't appear to actually remove them, as they all return once the eclipse finished. Arthur's ability, on the other hand, forcibly strips powers away from people, which is something of a different thing. Adam can apparently survive a temporary negation, but having his ability removed completely resulted in his death.


30th Apr 2009

Heroes (2006)

Chosen answer: Yes, he was intentionally infected by the Company to remove his powers and make him easier to handle.


30th Apr 2009

Heroes (2006)

Season 2 generally

Question: Exactly why did The Company create and experiemnt with a dangerous and life-threatening disease such as The Shanti Virus? Surely they must have known the risks?


Chosen answer: They didn't create it - it first manifested in Shanti Suresh. Their original reason for experimenting on it was probably to find a cure, just as real-world virus labs experiment on highly contagious viruses with that aim in mind. However, the effect of blocking access to powers was clearly of use to the Company in dealing with powered individuals, so their experiments also produced alternative strains of the virus, including the one used on Sylar and Niki Sanders that removed their abilities. These experiments may also have resulted in the ability negation pills given to Peter Petrelli during his time as a "guest" of the Company between seasons one and two. While the risks are obviously considerable, careful security precautions can be set up to guard against accidental release. Somebody insane enough to wish to release one intentionally is, of course, another matter entirely...


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