Super Grover

Revealing mistake: While John drives the minivan, there's a closeup of the rearview mirror's reflection as he spots the first BMW tailing them, but the problem is the view we see within the mirror is not backwards, even though it should be.

Super Grover

Character mistake: When the Smiths first enter the store Home Made, the camera pans around and faces the store's large display picture which reads, "The true measure of a home lies in it's kitchen," but the word "it's" should be "its."

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: While Jane drives the minivan, after John tells her that he knew he saw her "father" on Fantasy Island, there's a closeup of the rearview mirror's reflection just as Jane sees the two BMWs still chasing them, but the view we see within the mirror's reflection is not backwards.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After John fakes his death in the falling elevator, in the wideshots he reaches up with his left hand to disconnect his video feed, but in the closeup it's his right hand disconnecting it.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: While John's standing at the minivan's open rear door hitting the guy with the golf club, we can see that the van's rear-view mirror has been removed for this shot, but it's back in its place in following shots.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: While the Smiths are hiding out in the small shed in Home Made, at one point Jane's glasses are folded and hanging from her neckline with the nose guards facing her right, but in the next shot the glasses are facing her left, then it's back to her right, and finally her left again.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When John comes home to the lovely pot roast dinner he places his martini glass on the table, and when Jane takes the skewered olives in the closeup there are three, but in the wideshot there are only two olives on the pick as Jane puts it in her mouth.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After John hits the guy with the golf club he pulls the grenade pin, and when John dives back into the minivan he knocks down the rod holding the dry cleaning hangers, but then the rod is back up again without the hangers, and when the last two BMWs are taken out, the dry cleaning hangers are back up as well.

Super Grover

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