
Question: Daniel gets his driver's license on his birthday the night before the tournament in part I. In part II, six months later, he went to his senior prom. Did he really start his senior year when he was 15?

Answer: If he skipped a grade in elementary school, sure. I graduated at 17, beginning my senior year at 16, and never skipped a grade.


Answer: Daniel is 17. There are lots of reasons he might have delayed getting his license. The biggest part (though not stated) is that he recently moved from NJ at the start of the movie. He might not have been able to learn to drive and take his test in NJ prior to moving. There should be no presumption that he spent time in an overseas school.

Answer: What I think is more likely is that Ali was a year older, and he escorted her to her senior prom.


Answer: I suspect that for a year or more, Daniel maybe lived in India, South Korea, Japan, or any other country with a higher education system, than America's education system... So Daniel, despite being younger, may be a few grade levels ahead of other students his age.

Answer: Well also when you're a senior you're usually 18 and that's when you get your driver's license or even earlier, at age 16.

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