
16th Mar 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: On 3/11/04, Marlena mentioned that Shawn Douglas is twenty one years old. But that's not in keeping with either of his timelines. He was really born on April 6, 1987, so he should only be sixteen right now. But he was aged previously, and graduated from high school at age eighteen in 2002. Even so, he should still be only twenty at most right now, and more likely nineteen if he still has the same birthday.


16th Mar 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: In March, 2004, Jan Spears was at the Kiriakis mansion after she murdered Victor, and at some point her hair suddenly went from being curly to being completely straight.


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Continuity mistake: At the end of the 3/1/04 episode, Mimi was talking to her mother Bonnie on the phone. Bonnie told Mimi that she needed her to come home to help her right away because her son Patrick was back in town. Mimi asked why her mother needed her help with that. We didn't hear Bonnie's end of that conversation, but whatever she told Mimi alarmed her enough to cut her romantic evening with Rex short. At the beginning of the 3/2/04 episode, Mimi was back at her mother's house, but was still asking to know why it was so important for her to be home, as if Bonnie hadn't told her over the phone.


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Continuity mistake: On 2/27/04, Julie made a phone call and told the person on the other end that Doug believed he knew the serial killer's identity, and only then did she directly address the person as Marlena. On 3/1/04, when Marlena flashed back to the conversation, Julie immediately greeted her by name before explaining Doug's situation.


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Continuity mistake: On 2/24/04, Marlena struck repeatedly with her knife when she stabbed Jan, thinking it was Shawn. But when Jan reached Nicole on 2/26/04, she had only a single stab wound.


21st Jan 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: On 1/20/04, John mentions to Brady that Tony framed him for murder years ago and sent him to death row. But that's not true at all. We now know that it was really Andre, Tony's identical cousin, who did that. John couldn't possibly have forgotten such a thing, because the man killed himself to accomplish the frame-up, and Tony isn't dead.


12th Jan 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: On 1/12/03, Jennifer says that Dr. Bader listened to her baby's heartbeat two weeks ago. But Jennifer found out that she was pregnant on Christmas Eve, and the 1/12/03 episode took place on New Year's Day, just one week later.


12th Jan 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: At Roman and Kate's wedding ceremony and thereafter (December, 2003 - January, 2004), Sami made frequent reference to the fact that Marlena and Roman are "still married in the eyes of God," presumably a reference to the fact that the Catholic church does not condone divorce. With no shortage of characters who wanted Sami to just shut up, why did nobody bring up the fact that Marlena married and divorced Don Craig several years before she married Roman, and is therefore married only to him "in the eyes of God" if one insists on using that standard?


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Continuity mistake: They never do explain why Kate is covered with blood when she comes screaming back into the wedding reception after Roman is killed. One might assume that it was Roman's blood, but if that's the case then why was Roman's body still underneath the table when the others found it? In that position, Kate couldn't have had nearly enough contact with his corpse to get that much blood on her.


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Continuity mistake: In December, when Kate and Roman's wedding started, Chloe's hair was crimped and hanging loose behind her head. By January, while the wedding was still going on, Chloe's hair was instead pulled up in a ponytail, and the hanging portion of her hair was straight.


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Continuity mistake: At the end of the 12/30/03 episode, Kate and Roman cut the wedding cake, a red liquid seeps out, and Roman says, "Blood." At the beginning of the 12/31/03 episode, Kate and Roman cut the wedding cake, a red liquid seeps out, and Kate says, "Is that blood in the cake?"


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Continuity mistake: On Christmas, Kate and Roman entered the Brady's celebration and announced that they would be getting married the next day. Sure enough, the next morning, it was to be their wedding day. But as midnight approached after the ceremony, it was New Year's Eve and everybody was getting ready to celebrate the new year, there at the wedding. But it was supposed to be December 26.


13th Dec 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: The nameplate on Kate Roberts' door was seen on 12/12/03, and it lists her job title as "editor in chief." But Basic Black is a fashion designer, and nothing about the company or Kate's job has ever involved a publication of any kind.


12th Dec 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: At the end of the 12/9/03 episode, Bo receives a message on his PDA, and he and Hope see that it's Roman's obituary. The obituary appears again at the beginning of the 12/10/03 episode, but Bo and Hope act through a completely different scene leading up to it.


12th Dec 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: When Shawn Douglas Brady was a small child around 1990, he was friends with Sami, Eric, Carrie, and Nikki Alamain, all of whom were about his age. Somewhere along the way, everyone was aged much more than he was, and now he's supposed to have grown up with Belle Black, who was actually born some six years after him. He's in his sophomore year of college, while his aforementioned, erstwhile friends are all in their late twenties.


29th Nov 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: Sami revealed that Roman is really Cassie and Rex's father, both at the end of the 11/25/03 episode and again when the scene was replayed at the beginning of the 11/26/03 episode. But the dialogue was distinctly different. The first time Sami referred to the twins' "Brady DNA," but not the second time. There were other minor differences in the speech, and in character placement around the room.


29th Nov 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: On 11/26/03, there was dialogue from several characters indicating that the Thanksgiving celebration would take place later that day, i.e., that it was already Thanksgiving. However, when Thanksgiving actually started on 11/28/03, it was the morning of the following day.


25th Nov 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: At the very end of the 11/24/03 episode, Marlena remembered that she ate the vegetable dip right before she collapsed; it is poisoned. At that moment, Hope takes some dip on a carrot and walks past Bo as he confronts Rex. She moves the snack to her mouth and the shot freezes. At the beginning of the 11/25/03 episode, the scene is replayed. Marlena again remembers the dip connection and Hope again takes some dip on a carrot. But before she moves anywhere near Bo, Celeste takes her aside to warn her of impending danger.


18th Nov 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: Caroline Brady's first name had always been pronounced with a long "i" in the last syllable. This is confirmed by the flashback with Victor that was shown on 11/17/03. However, for the last few weeks, since the character returned to the forefront of the story, everybody has inexplicably pronounced the name with a short "i." This includes Victor in the 11/17/03 episode, immediately after the flashback.


21st Oct 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: At the end of the 10/16/03 episode, Brady and Philip began to fight in Salem Place. At the same time, Will left the apartment after hearing Sami and Lucas saying they wished he'd never been born, and Victor told Nicole they were going to leave the mansion and go for a walk at Salem Place. The scenes were replayed at the beginning of the 10/17/03 episode, as they usually are, but there was a big discrepancy in the timeframe. While Brady and Philip went through the exact same scene as they began their fight, Sami and Lucas had already spent some time looking for Will around town, and Nicole and Victor had made it down to Salem Place for their walk.


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