
Question: Why does Jabba get so..."intimate" with Leia? He has her pressed against his belly when she was first captured, and licked his lips (and, in numerous other sources - all official adaptations or even the script itself - say that he "kissed" her). The next time we see her, she's nearly naked, and chained by her neck to his throne. In this time, he keeps pulling her chain, forcing her body to be close to his. Finally, he pulls her to himself on the Sail Barge, and purrs into her face that she'll learn to appreciate him. Any ideas, suggestions, or thoughts - but no criticism - are welcome. I'm trying to collect thoughts.


Answer: Jabba was a mob boss, who wanted to replace the slave girl he killed when she refused his advances. He knew that Leia was a strong and independent woman and wanted to break her spirit.

Chosen answer: I've always thought it was just a plot device they used to show what a bad guy Jabba is. If you didn't see those things you might actually like him. He's powerful, rich, intelligent, and certainly has a sense of style. All in all I think it just shows that he has a sickness about him that warrants him being killed.


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