
13th Dec 2018

Halloween (2018)

Question: Does anyone know which scenes Nick Castle is playing Michael Myers? I know he is Myers when Laurie tries to shoot him through the window and the after credits breathing was his. But is it him any other times?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: You didn't mention the opening scene; I'm sure you know it's him up till he gets his mask back, right?

No, it's not. That's James Jude Courtney playing Michael in the unmasked scenes.


Answer: Based on multiple things that I've heard, those are the only two times Nick Castle is on screen. He was mostly just there to help James Jude Courtney get the mannerisms down.


I had read in Halloweenmovies.com and other Michael Myers Instagram accounts that I follow, that was Nick Castle in the closet when the baby sitter Vicky opened the door.

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