
19th Jul 2008

Wanted (2008)

Question: Did anyone else catch on to what the Russian was doing during his time at the fraternity? I believe he was laying down scent trails to guide the mice to key locations in the building. In one close up of the mice (If I remember correctly) you could see them sniffing the ground and apparently following a scent. How else would you get them all into the building without possibly running in Wesley's direction? It seemed like the mice knew where they were going. Before I submit this as trivia, I want to know if someone else thinks the Russian laid down scent trails.

Answer: I believe it is meant to be assumed that the Russian laid down peanut butter or the scent of peanut butter in strategic points for the rats to follow.


26th Dec 2007

I Am Legend (2007)

Question: How did they manage to film the deserted New York city scenes? Was it a mixture of studio/CGI work?

Answer: They actually shut down and cleared the streets in New York to film some of these scenes. in an interview with an Australian Magazine Will Smith admits he was not very popular after doing this and recieved "a lot of middle fingers".


22nd Sep 2007

General questions

I once saw a movie about a man who seemed to be able to burn things by starting at them, or was at least able to do it once. I remember that he glared at a cat, I think because it was trying to hurt some birds, and then the cat was shown burning on the ground.

Answer: There was a movie called Firestarter based on a Steven King novel but this was a little girl that could that had pyrokenesis (starts fires with her mind). There was also a sequel.


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