Captain Defenestrator

Question: Is the cutting of Zam's arm by Obi Wan in the nightclub supposed to be a nod to when Obi Wan cut off the alien's arm in ANH?

Answer: Yes. Severed limbs are a recurring motif of the Star Wars films.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why is Anakin's prosthetic arm so low-quality compared to the hand that Luke gets in Episode V? It seems that Luke and the Rebellion would have less money to spend on doctors and a more realistic hand.

Answer: As far as the timeline of the Star Wars universe, 22 years pass between Attack of the Clones and Empire Strikes Back, and wars advance technology. So, by the time Luke loses his hand, prostheses may become cheaper and more realistic than in the Republic Era.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: If Sifo Dyas was really the one that ordered the clone army, why would Obi Wan and possibly other people think he died before?


Chosen answer: Because he had. Sifo-Dyas was a Jedi Master with the power of foresight who'd foreseen a galactic war breaking out and secretly ordered production of the clone army 10 years before the events of the film. Count Dooku had him killed and finished the job, posing as his representative. Despite the similar-sounding names, Sifo-Dyas and Darth Sidious are not the same person.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: They likely thought that they'd be able to defeat him without having to make sure he didn't escape. Easily explained character mistakes all around.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Was there any point to Zam Wesell being a changeling? She reveals herself to be one to Anakin when he is on top of her speeder and when she is hiding from the two Jedi in the bar, she makes absolutely no effort to disguise herself.

S. Ha

Chosen answer: Being a changeling would make her job as an assassin easier, however, Anakin and Obi-Wan were in hot pursuit and she had no time to remove her armor, which presumably would not also change with her, so there would be no point in changing her appearance, as they'd recognize her armor.

Captain Defenestrator

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