Jack's Revenge

17th Sep 2003

Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Corrected entry: When the fairies are trying to set up the party for Rose they are hopeless at cooking and sewing without magic. How did they get along for 16 years without knowing those basic skills?

Correction: Merriweather questioned why Fauna was making the cake when she had never done any of the cooking, and Flora answered that she had always wanted to. So for her it was the first time. And Flora had never made clothes before either. While Merriweather was just anxious to have the wands back from the first day because she just didn't like doing things our way.

Jack's Revenge

Corrected entry: Near the beginning when the musketeers are disbanded, they all throw their blue uniforms on the fire and toss their swords in a pile. Before the big end fight at the king's birthday, the three musketeers ride around and rally the others. Suddenly, all the musketeers have their blue uniforms and swords stashed and they get them out to go to the fight.

Correction: It is entirely possible they have more than one set of uniforms.

Jack's Revenge

Corrected entry: When Aragorn tells the King they should ride out and meet the Urk ki where did they get all those horses? They show the King putting on his armor for like two seconds and then they are on horses. Where did they come from?


Correction: When they arrived at Helm's Deep, all the horses were boarded within the walls of the fortress. There very well could have been another entrance in that room that they brought the horses through.

Jack's Revenge

1st Sep 2003

Finding Nemo (2003)

Corrected entry: If the fish in the dentist's surgery think you get flushed down the toilet when you die, why doesn't Nemo just play dead in the tank, the way he does later on in the film in the bag, then he will get flushed and be free? Which is much easier and quicker than Gill's plan.

Correction: Because the original plan allowed for ALL the fish to escape, so by letting the tank get dirty they could ALL be put into bags and go out the window. Nemo only played dead to be flushed when their original plan didn't work, and he was about to be given to the Dentist's niece who has a tendancy to kill fish.

Jack's Revenge

Corrected entry: If Marty had made such an impression on his parents which is how he was supposed to have got his name, surely they would have called their 1st son Marty and not Marty who was their 3rd child? (01:27:20)

Correction: His older brother could have gotten a family name. Which would trump an old friend's name.

Jack's Revenge

31st Aug 2003

Finding Nemo (2003)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when the fish are floating in the ocean waiting for the starfish, how come the bags they're in aren't sinking? Even if they did have air at the top why are they at the top of the bag where the air is?

Correction: When I add new fish to my tanks, I put the bags they're in into the tank, to acclimate them to the new water temp. These bags, which are just like the ones in the movie, float on the top of the tank, they do not sink.

Jack's Revenge

26th Aug 2003

Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Corrected entry: When the two fairies, Flora and Merryweather are fighting over the colour the dress should be, they shoot blue and pink sparks out the chimney. The crow that the evil scorceress sent to find Aurora sees the sparks and investigates. As he looks down the chimney a pink spark hits him, then a blue spark hits him. Why didn't he change his colour? And a lot of other things were zapped as well but didn't change colour.

Correction: Because the fairies' magic was directed only at the dress. If nothing else changed color, then obviously they only intended to change dress color, and it would be the only thing affected.

Jack's Revenge

Then why, if their magic was aimed only at Aurora's dress, did the clothes of Flora turn blue from Merryweather's spell and the clothes of Merryweather turned pink from Flora's spell? Or does the spell just apply to all clothing?

Corrected entry: In the scene after the battle of Amon Hen, when Merry and Pippin have distracted the Uruk Hai and have run across the bridge, why does an Uruk Hai come at the hobbits with an axe as if to kill them, when they have direct orders from Saruman to bring back the hobbits alive?

Correction: Isn't it easy to capture someone if you are threatening them mortally? After all Merry and Pippen DON'T KNOW that the orders are to capture and not kill.

Jack's Revenge

28th Aug 2003

Dance With Me (1998)

Corrected entry: When Rafael takes Ruby to the club the second time, she tells him that she cannot dance the way that he does, yet in the minutes following that, she seems to have caught on quite quickly.

Correction: She is a professional dancer, she should be able to pick up dance moves quickly, especially in a more relaxed setting like a dance floor where much is supposed to be 'adlibbed'

Jack's Revenge

27th Aug 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Corrected entry: When RC pushes Buzz off the edge of the desk, why would Woody get RC to do it, and have a witness, when he is strong enough to do it himself? (His strength is proven later in the film when he throws the lights from Sid's house to Andy's house, and also when he manages to close Sid's door with the dog pushing against it).

Correction: Woody was trying to make it look like an accident. Had he pushed him directly, it obviously couldn't have been explained as an accident.

Jack's Revenge

10th Jan 2002

Kate & Leopold (2001)

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film, when Leopold has already gone back to the past, they show the pictures that Stewart took. Kate is in one of them. But Kate didn't arrive in the past till the point where Leopold is announcing his new wife, and he does this after Stewart left, so there is no way Kate could have been in the picture.

Correction: In the directors cut, you see Kate in the beginning of the film, 'back' in time. She was there the same time Stewart was.

Jack's Revenge

1st Jun 2003

Finding Nemo (2003)

Corrected entry: When Nemo is sent down the drain, the water would be freshwater. Saltwater fish cannot physically survive in freshwater, so therefore, Nemo would be dead or at least knocked out by the time he gets out.

Correction: Nemo only spent about a minute or so out of the water. Freshwater wouldn't kill him instantly - and the minute he was in the drain would probably tire, disorient him, etc. It wouldn't immediately kill him. I once had a fish jump out of a bucket onto my floor for about 3 mins, and he was just fine when we scooped him up and put him back.

Jack's Revenge

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