
Corrected entry: The scenes of various helicopters flying around are very very fake looking. In one scene, toward the beginning, the main rotor blade isn't rotating fast enough to obtain flight. (00:06:00)

Correction: While this may be true as FX in the film goes, it can be explained. You know when you see helicopter rotors in a movie, get to a certain speed, then seem to slow, stop and reverse? It's due to the way our eyes 'see' motion in a limited-motion environment (24 or 30 frames of still images per second, fools our brains into seeing movement). Slow rotor blades could be a skewed perception of their real speed.


Corrected entry: While trying to get a response from Washington about the code name, David 14, the aircraft, which moments later is revealed as Air Force One, finally communicates with them. The female voice says they are going to crash while spurting threats. As she is doing this, you can hear the engines of the plane getting louder and louder over the radio. It is obviously the sound of a propeller plane. Moments later, a shot reveals Air Force One as a jet engine airliner, not capable of making the sound heard over the radio. (00:10:25)

Quantom X

Correction: The sound is radio static, not propellers.


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