
Corrected entry: Did the people in the castle age after they were turned into household objects? The Beast has until his 21st birthday to fall in love, and Lumiere specifically states that they've been like that for ten years. So was the Beast 11 years old when he was transformed? If so, where was Chip, who appears to be about five or six? Was he even born? Can teapots produce little teacups?


Correction: The Beast is a standard living creature, so it's not inconceivable that he'd age. The others are now non-living objects, so Chip was likely born a human but is not aging in his cup form.

Corrected entry: Mrs. Potts looks like somebody's grandmother- far too old to have a little kid like Chip.


Correction: The oldest woman to ever give birth was 65 years old. Anything's possible.

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