Jeff Swanson

4th Jun 2010

iCarly (2007)

Trivia: In "iGo To Japan", when Carly, Sam and Freddie are trying to get into the awards show, there is a guard holding a signboard with various pictures and messages on it. One of the pictures is of executive producer Dan Schneider. (00:01:15)

Jeff Swanson

11th May 2010

Kick-Ass (2010)

Trivia: The LaSalle - a GM car produced in the 1930s - was immortalized in the opening credits when Jean Stapleton sang the line "Gee, our old LaSalle ran great." However, the line was somewhat slurred at first and people wrote in asking what she was saying. In later seasons the opening was refilmed and Stapleton sang the line slower and more phonetically so it could be understood.

Jeff Swanson

4th Jan 2010

Major Dad (1983)

Trivia: During the first season, the credits ended with a shot of Chelsea Hertford, who played the youngest daughter, taking off Gerald McRaney's cap and putting it on her own head. The USMC complained, saying it was disrespectful, and after that, Chelsea was seen just reaching for the cap but not removing it.

Jeff Swanson

Trivia: In episode 69, "Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex. But Couldn't Pronounce", Danny is sorting some magazine clippings about himself. His real last name, Bonaduce, is visible on one of them. (00:01:05)

Jeff Swanson

Trivia: In episode 45, "Hel-l-l-l-p", as the girls are leaving for the camping trip, look at the house in the background. That was Darrin and Samantha's house in Bewitched. (00:08:30)

Jeff Swanson

A Tale of Two Hamsters - S2-E9

Trivia: Tiger Beat magazine held a "Partridge Family Smile Contest", with first prize being the role of an extra in this episode. The girl in the striped top was the winner of that contest. She is also listed in the closing credits. (00:21:50)

Jeff Swanson

Trivia: The bus used in the series is long gone; it sat behind a taco stand near the USC campus for over a decade before being sent to a junkyard in early 1987. By that time, it was badly faded and had been vandalized.

Jeff Swanson

Abdullah - S4-E4

Trivia: Listen to the music in the background when Roger is trying to calm the baby. The same melody was used throughout "Bewitched" in scenes involving Tabitha. (00:13:40)

Jeff Swanson

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