
22nd Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Watson throws the tray with chops onto the table, the pieces of chops change position during the shots. Also there is a knife down to the right of the screen that change position during the shots. (00:26:50)


22nd Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Jackie is waiting for his octopus meal he is holding his hand on the counter. On the counter edge we can see a piece of cloth. When it cuts the cloth is gone, and a sort of cookie has appeared as well. (00:03:25)


22nd Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Jackie picks up the bucket for Watson the angle of the bucket change between the shots. Also Jackie's watch suddenly become visible instead of being hidden under his jacket as in the previous shot. (00:24:40)


Continuity mistake: When Lazlo gets the picture of Jimmy and Janni, he holds the picture with his left hand and he grabs his goon with his right hand. When it cuts to a closeup of him holding the picture we can see that he is holding it with his right hand. (00:33:15)


Continuity mistake: When Lazlo says "If she moves put your cane in her eye" to his mother, Cynthia is sitting with her hands down. When it cuts her hands are under her chin. (01:05:45)


22nd Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Jackie gets to Jai, they are surrounded by burning curtains. Jackie covers Jai in Jai's cloth and jumps through the fire. If you look closely you can actually see the cloth catch fire as Jackie jumps through the fire. When it cuts to a close-up of Jackie the cloth isn't burning anymore. (00:12:35)


Continuity mistake: When Oz gets up from his couch and the man punches him in the stomach, Oz jumps. When it cuts he jumps again. (00:20:50)


Continuity mistake: When Jill gets back home and takes off her shoes, we see her dropping her bags on both her sides. When it cuts one of the bags is in front of her. (00:03:25)


Continuity mistake: When Jimmy throws Oz at the painting leaving it askew. Later when Oz wakes up the painting is straight again, without anyone being near it. (00:58:30 - 00:59:25)


Continuity mistake: When Lazlo gets tired of the kids fighting he shouts for them and lifts his right hand. When it cuts he is holding up his left hand. (00:01:00)


Continuity mistake: When Oz, Jill and Jimmy are out and about to eat and Jill asks if she should get some mustard, Oz has both his hands down. When it cuts his right hand is on the table. (00:40:30)


Continuity mistake: When Jill is telling about her bad hit, we see her swing her shotgun into the bowl of tomato sauce. First she swing the shotgun from the left. When it cuts to a closeup we see it swings from the right. (00:04:55)


Continuity mistake: After Jill has taken her shoes off she leaves them on the floor. When Jimmy runs after her we can see the shoes has changed position. (00:03:25)


Continuity mistake: At the end when they are driving away in the car and Oz says "This is too much. It's great, but too much." Jimmy is patting him on his shoulders. When it cuts Jimmy's hand is gone from his shoulders. (01:29:35)


Continuity mistake: After Jules has chloroformed Jimmy she pulls up her gun while holding the cloth with chloroform. The way she holds the gun and the cloth changes during the shots. (01:15:15)


Continuity mistake: When Jill drops the bowl of tomato sauce on the floor we can see a fork lying in the tomato sauce. When it cuts to her beginning to clean up, the fork is gone. (00:05:00)


21st Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Jackie and Watson are on the video conference with the other professors, the professor that knows all about the medallion switches from sitting with a guitar and not sitting with a guitar. In one shot his sunglasses also disappear. (00:52:55)


21st Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

21st Jan 2005

The Medallion (2003)

Continuity mistake: After Snakehead gets away from Jackie the first time he is sitting in his car. When he says "Interpol is all over me. Can't stay here any longer", he has his hands down. In the following scene his hand is by his chin. (00:13:40)


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