
Continuity mistake: When Sunny picks up the Scrabble letter, you can see the remaining letters are stacked together. Later when the shot change to her smiling, you can see the letters are more scattered. (00:03:45)


21st Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Constantine has a sip from his cough medicine, we see the Vermin Man approaching him in the background. A few shots later we see the Vermin Man is still approaching him but he is still moving in the same spot as earlier. (00:26:25)


21st Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Constantine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Constantine and Chas comes to Midnite's bar and the bouncer holds up the card, we see him holding the card between his thumb, index finger and middle finger. When it cuts, he holds it between his thumb and index finger only. (00:28:30)


21st Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Constantine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chas is in his car talking to his mirror you see him holding his right hand on the steering wheel. When Constantine calls for him it cuts and you see Chas resting his arm on the seat beside him instead. (00:06:40)


21st Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Continuity mistake: When the demon climbs out of the possessed and gets stuck in the mirror we see the reflection of the girl in the mirror and she is smiling with her eyes closed. When it cuts to a close-up of her she is smiling with her eyes open. It cuts again and we see in the mirror she is smiling with her eyes shut. (00:07:50)


21st Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Constantine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Constantine is seeing the doctor about his cancer you can see the lights on the screen showing the X-rays are on. When it cuts after she says "This is aggressive", the lights are suddenly off. (00:14:15)


21st Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Continuity mistake: When the demon manages to break through the mirror it's stuck in, its hand comes through the mirror. When it cuts its hand is nowhere in sight. (00:08:10)


Continuity mistake: When the Phantom approaches Christine while singing "Only then can you belong to me" he places his hands on her face slowly moving them down her neck. When it cuts his hands are suddenly moving over her shoulders. His hands couldn't have moved that fast. (00:37:20)


20th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Continuity mistake: At the end (after the credits), when Constantine place the lighter on Chas' grave, Constantine's fingers on the lighter change position in the close-up view. (01:54:50)


20th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Constantine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Constantine gives Angela Isabel's name tag, Angela is holding the tag so that half the tag is between her fingers and the rest of the half inside her hand. When it cuts half the tag is still between her fingers but the rest of the half is now outside her fist. (00:44:30)


20th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Constantine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Angela visits Constantine you can see an ash tray and two bottles along with other stuff on Constantine's table. Later, when the demons fly outside Constantine's window, as the camera moves over the table you can see all items has suddenly been removed from the table. (00:34:40 - 00:36:10)


20th Jul 2005

Open Water (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Susan and Daniel are in bed, Susan puts her glasses on the table then turns around, and her blanket changes position between two consecutive shots. (00:07:30)


19th Jul 2005

Open Water (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Susan and Daniel are making out in bed she starts laughing and says "Nice face." You can see Daniel's nose is clean. When it cuts his nose is covered with face mask stains from Susan's face. (00:07:55)


19th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Constantine is heading for Midnite's office, he stops by his door. A man opens the door and walks out passing Constantine. At that time you can see the background is full of people. When it cuts to Constantine walking in the door the background has changed, the people are gone and a blue wall has appeared instead. (00:29:35)


17th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

17th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Constantine gives Baltazar the final punch you can see Baltazar's tie lying on his chest. When it cuts from behind him his tie is over his shoulder. In the next shot it's back on his chest. (01:10:55)


17th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Angela is standing in front of the elevator and Constantine asks her what's wrong his hand is not on her shoulder. When it cuts his hand is on her shoulder right before she gets dragged through the wall. (01:14:45)


17th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Constantine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Constantine has thrown the holy water at Baltazar you can see Baltazar stretching out both hands to grab Constantine. When it cuts, Baltazar grabs Constantine by his throat with only one hand . (01:09:55)


17th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Continuity mistake: During the exorcism scene Constantine says "I need a mirror, now. At least 3 feet high.", while holding his left arm down. When it cuts to him shouting "Move." his left arm is up. (00:06:10)


17th Jul 2005

Constantine (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Constantine tells Angela to leave the room you can see the cat sits on his lap with its back against the camera. When it cuts the cat is now facing forward. (00:40:55)


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