Maria Santos

25th Apr 2009

Charmed (1998)

Show generally

Question: Christy and Billie Jenkins are very powerful witches, yet it's been established that their parents are ordinary mortals. So, where did they get their powers from?


Chosen answer: In the episode Mr and Mrs. Witch, Billy's mom explains that their grandmother was a powerful witch and that it just skipped a generation.

Maria Santos

30th Jan 2008

Charmed (1998)

Show generally

Question: There are many instances of these characters manipulating time (i.e. Chris comes back to change the future so Wyatt is good, and there's all that back and forth in the series finale to make things turn out the way they want). Is there ever any explanation given as to why they never manipulated time to go back and prevent Prue from dying? Obviously it was necessary for the production, since Shannen Dougherty left, but is it ever addressed by the characters, plot-wise?

Answer: The witches' time travel spells could never be specific enough. They had to rely on the Source to reverse time more accurately to save Piper and keep magic from being exposed. It's assumed that Chris has the knowledge to go back to the right time. In the series finale you see that Piper has trouble going to the right periods of time (Going back to when Patty was pregnant with Phoebe, going to the future where she's the grandmother when she wanted to get to grams etc.)

Maria Santos

Answer: If you take away Shannen Doherty's departure, it was Prue's time to die. Piper and Leo would have put off having a child. Which means Wyatt wouldn't have been born under the Equinox, the Witch's Sabbath and the Northern Lights, thus the prophecy of the twice blessed child being born.

10th Nov 2007

Charmed (1998)

Show generally

Question: In the early seasons, the Charmed Ones were able to communicate telepathically but they don't use this ability anymore. Why?

Answer: There was one episode where Piper an Pru cast a spell to hear other people's thoughts. That was the only time they communicated with each other telepathically (just Pru and Piper).

Maria Santos

They also had the ability in the episode with the Crone, Leo mentioned that the bond had always been there. Unsure of why it was never displayed again. It could have something to do with them only being able to fully use the ability when their senses were stolen.

13th Jun 2005

Charmed (1998)

Sam I Am - S5-E9

Question: I don't get how Sam can be in this episode. He died in the episode P3 H2O and we see his spirit walk away with Patty yet here he is in this episode alive. Could someone explain for me.

Answer: He complains in the episode about how the Elders brought him back.

Maria Santos

Answer: Sam told the Phoebe and Piper that the elders made him a white-lighter again, and he screwed it up.

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