High Anxiety

Continuity mistake: There is a scene at an airport where Mel Brooks is approached by a man claiming to be a FBI agent or something like that. In the next shot inside the bathroom you can see the boom microphone from the top of the screen. (00:04:05)

Revealing mistake: While Dr. Wentworth is driving his car trying to shut off the loud music on the radio, the dashboard shows that the car's gearshift indicator is not in "D" for "Drive."


Continuity mistake: When Thorndike is running to the park's storage shed to escape the pigeons dive-bombing, the back of his jacket has a set number of prominent pigeon dropping marks, yet when he enters the shed there are more markings seen, and all are smeared across the jacket.


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Trivia: The actor playing Dennis the Bellhop is Barry Levinson, future Oscar winning director.


Trivia: When Dr. Thorndyke is checking into the hotel in San Francisco, he is informed a "Mr. MacGuffin" has changed his room number. "MacGuffin" is a movie-making term popularized by Alfred Hitchcock referring to a plot device that drives the story, but what the object actually is or does is irrelevant.

Cubs Fan

Dr. Richard H. Thorndyke: You want to x-ray the celery? What do you think we're smuggling dope in the celery? The celery's not for dope. It's for dip.

Victoria Brisbane: How did you, ummmm... get my room number? I am not going to listen to any more of this, I mean, I've had just about enough! What are you wearing? Jeans? You're wearing jeans? I bet they're tight.

More quotes from High Anxiety

Question: What is the name of the song that blasts in Dr. Wentworth's car and causes his ears to rupture? Or was it something created for the movie?

Brian Katcher

Answer: It was a song written by Mel Brooks for the film. It's called "If You Love Me Baby, Tell Me Loud."


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