Bridget Jones's Diary

Factual error: No British woman measures her weight in pounds only - always stones and pounds, or kilograms (a concession to the Americans but it sounds really odd to us Brits). Yes, in the American printing of the book it's always only pounds as well, but that's for the same reason, and still wrong.

Bridget Jones's Diary mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bridget is getting dressed for her big date with Daniel, her tights are over her undies; later, when he's going up her skirt, the tights are clearly under her big ugly undies. (00:17:50 - 00:26:00)

Bridget Jones's Diary mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Mark Darcy and Daniel Cleaver fight in the street and Bridget goes to comfort Cleaver, Mark Darcy flings his jacket over his shoulder as he walks off. You can see very clearly that the white lining of the sleeve, flapping around as he walks. When the camera cuts to his receding back, the jacket is perfectly flat and smooth down his back, and the lining is no where to be seen. (01:12:20)

More mistakes in Bridget Jones's Diary

Trivia: The publishing house where Bridget works is called "Pemberley Press". For those who haven't read or seen "Pride And Prejudice", this is also the name of Mr. Darcy's estate.

Trivia: Other similarities between Pride and Prejudice and this movie include the fact that in P&P, Mr. Darcy and George Wickam both went to Cambridge. In Bridget Jones, Daniel Cleaver says he knew Mark from Cambridge. Cleaver's character is based on George Wickam.

Jennifer 1

More trivia for Bridget Jones's Diary

Mark Darcy: I don't think you're an idiot at all. I mean, there are elements of the ridiculous about you. Your mother's pretty interesting. And you really are an appallingly bad public speaker. And, um, you tend to let whatever's in your head come out of your mouth without much consideration of the consequences... But the thing is, um, what I'm trying to say, very inarticulately, is that, um, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you, very much. Just as you are.

Bridget: Wait a minute... Nice boys don't kiss like that.
Mark Darcy: Oh, yes, they fucking do.

Bridget: You once said you liked me just as I am and I just wanted to say likewise. I mean there are stupid things your mum buys you, tonight's another... Classic. You're haughty, and you always say the wrong thing in every situation and I seriously believe that you should rethink the length of your sideburns. But, you're a nice man and I like you. If you wanted to pop by some time that might be nice... More than nice.
Mark Darcy: Right, crikey.

More quotes from Bridget Jones's Diary

Question: When Bridget and Daniel are in bed at the hotel, she says "that thing you just did is actually illegal in several countries". Anyone know what she was talking about? I assume it's a sex thing and I'm dying to know.

Answer: I'm pretty sure you can assume she's talking about anal sex, which is still technically illegal in a number of countries.

Question: Does anyone know why Mark Darcy's mother's name was changed from Elaine (in the book) to Geraldine (in the film)?

Answer: Lots of times in book-to-movie situations and even in some remakes, the producers/writers/directors change names or events. It can be because of personal issues, legal ones or it can even be spur of the moment. it can also be unintentional,when they change it without the specific INTENTION to change it. I think in this case it was more likely that the character/or their name didn't have too much of an impact on the story line, so they didn't feel a pressing need to keep it the same.

Question: I never understood the joke about the scene where Bridget was wearing the black dress and white undies. Everything looked fine to me, but she looked all embarrassed in front of the guy she was with when the two were fooling around. What joke did I miss?

Answer: The knickers are almost like spanx or the ones that try to hold everything in and appear skinny. Never particularly sexy! I think that's the joke is she wasn't in anything lacy as she didn't think anyone would be seeing them.

Answer: The type of underwear she was wearing was larger than he expected a young woman to wear. They appeared to be what one might call "granny panties."


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