Bridget Jones's Diary

Can a single woman over 30, who smokes too much, drinks too much, and has a tendency to say whatever comes into her mind, find her place in the world... and a man? Bridget Jones is an assistant at a London book publisher, feeling time pass her by. When Daniel Cleaver, her boss, starts flirting with her in a vulgar way, she plunges straight in. An affair ensues and she's head over heels. She also keeps running into Mark Darcy, a reserved even stiff barrister who has known her since she was a child young enough to frolic naked in his wading pool, seems to look down his nose at her, and hates Cleaver (truth is, Daniel may be a bit of a bounder). What are Bridget's choices?

Bridget Jones's Diary mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bridget is getting dressed for her big date with Daniel, her tights are over her undies; later, when he's going up her skirt, the tights are clearly under her big ugly undies. (00:17:50 - 00:26:00)

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Bridget: Wait a minute... Nice boys don't kiss like that.
Mark Darcy: Oh, yes, they fucking do.

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Trivia: Other similarities between Pride and Prejudice and this movie include the fact that in P&P, Mr. Darcy and George Wickam both went to Cambridge. In Bridget Jones, Daniel Cleaver says he knew Mark from Cambridge. Cleaver's character is based on George Wickam.

Jennifer 1

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Question: Does anyone know why Mark Darcy's mother's name was changed from Elaine (in the book) to Geraldine (in the film)?

Answer: Lots of times in book-to-movie situations and even in some remakes, the producers/writers/directors change names or events. It can be because of personal issues, legal ones or it can even be spur of the moment. it can also be unintentional,when they change it without the specific INTENTION to change it. I think in this case it was more likely that the character/or their name didn't have too much of an impact on the story line, so they didn't feel a pressing need to keep it the same.

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