Wade Hebert: Are we nearly there yet?
Trevor Phillips: No, Wade.
Wade Hebert: Are we nearly nearly there?
Trevor Phillips: You keep this up, you're not going to get there at all.
Wade Hebert: Can you tell me a story?
Trevor Phillips: No, Wade.
Wade Hebert: Let's play a game then. You know Animal, Mineral or Vegetable? I'll go first. I'm nanotechnology.
Trevor Phillips: [confused.] Uh, you're what?
Wade Hebert: Ooh. Dammit. I gave it away. I wasn't supposed to say what I am. I'll start again. Animal, vegetable or mineral.
Trevor Phillips: Hey, hey, hey. How about this? I'll tell you a story if you promise never to speak again.
Wade Hebert: I like stories.
Trivia: There is a secret boss fight that can be unlocked. This can be only unlocked if the player has 100% completed the game, completed the Strangers and Freaks mission The Last One, and collected all 27 peyote plants, as well as collected all 7 golden peyotes which can be found during either foggy or snowy weather. Once all of these requirements have been achieved, the player will then enter a hallucination where they become Bigfoot, and can engage in combat with a beast.
Trivia: If the player goes to a certain cliffside overlooking the El Gordo Lighthouse at 11pm, the ghost of Jolene Cranley-Evans, the murdered wife of politician Jock Cranley can be seen. The story is that she was pushed off the cliff by her husband, but her death was later declared as accidental. The name "Jock" can be seen written in blood on the rock Jolene hovers over, accusing him of killing her. The ghost will disappear if the player approaches it, but can be viewed through a sniper rifle scope.
Trivia: Marriage Counselling: When Michael catches his wife sleeping with the tennis coach, he chases him to what he believes is the tennis coach's house, unaware that it actually belongs to Martin Madrazo's girlfriend. Michael then attaches a rope to the foundation poles of the house and drives away, causing the house to collapse. This is a reference to a scene from Lethal Weapon 2, in which Riggs tears down a house using the exact same method.
Trivia: During a specific time in the day, players can come across a scenario on a cliff in which a car is parked near the edge, and police cars are parked not far behind, cornering the car. The car will then drive off the edge of the cliff and explode when landing. This is a reference to the ending scene of Thelma and Louise, in which the exact same scenario plays out. The two main characters are cornered by police and drive off the edge of a cliff to escape them.
Trivia: In the rural outback area of Los Santos, players can stumble across a scenario in which numerous trucks are parked in a circle, filled with dead bodies and injured survivors in a drug deal gone wrong. The player can then take the money from the deal, but if they do so, two trucks will chase after them and start shooting. This is a reference to the movie No Country for Old Men, in which Llewelyn Moss comes across a drug deal gone wrong, and takes a briefcase of money used for the drug deal and is then pursued afterwards.
Revealing mistake: The Ballad of Rocco: Just after Solomon Richards shows Michael his associate producer credit on his new movie, Solomon pours Michael and himself a drink. Michael drinks from the glass, but the level of liquid remains the same and does not lower.
Audio problem: Marriage Counselling: When Michael goes outside to smoke a cigarette, the sound of him blowing the smoke out of his mouth is heard, but his lips stay closed and no smoke is ever shown leaving his mouth.

Revealing mistake: In the establishing shots of Los Santos, in the shot of the Del Perro Beach Pier, the railings surrounding it suddenly pop-up onscreen midway through the shot.
Other mistake: Scouting the Port: Just after removing the portrait of Floyd's girlfriend on the wall, Trevor takes out a marker pen and starts drawing the heist plan with only that. The wall is then shown and a series of photographs, a classified document and strips of duct tape are visible on the wall with the drawings. The problem is, Trevor only had a marker pen on his hands. He was never shown sticking any of these items onto the wall.

Revealing mistake: Casing the Jewel Store: When Michael and Lester return to the garment factory after taking pictures of the jewellery store, there is a shot from the side of the building that pans from the car around to the building. When the shot is panning around to the building, there are some cardboard boxes and other objects shown next to the building that are suddenly animated partway into the shot. They just appear to pop-up onscreen out of nowhere.

Continuity mistake: Paleto Score Setup: When Michael, Trevor and Lester return to Trevor's office after surveying the bank, Trevor takes a bowl of stew out from his fridge with his left hand, but when he goes to put the bowl in the microwave, the bowl is in his right hand.
Other mistake: Deep Inside: Franklin and Devin Weston are talking in the garage, and Lamar enters whilst holding his phone in his hand, observing the car. Lamar never uses his phone when talking to Franklin and Devin, but the menu screen on his phone remains on for the entire scene and never changes. There is no reason for the screen to be on since Lamar is not using it, nor does the screen ever goes into auto lock, despite Lamar not touching the screen.
Trivia: Blitz Play: The heist mission bears many similarities to the opening heist scene from the movie Heat. To make sure the truck stops, Franklin rams into the truck, flipping it over onto its side, the same action that is done in Heat. An explosive is planted on the back door to blow the doors open, also done in Heat. They take the men inside the truck hostage and one of them says they have gone deaf due to the explosion, which also happens in Heat. Additionally, Franklin, Michael and Trevor all wear stylised masks to disguise themselves during the heist, just like in Heat, where the heist team wear hockey masks to disguise themselves.
Revealing mistake: The Merryweather Heist (Freighter Approach): When Michael goes inside the freighter to plant the explosive, he closes the door behind him, but his hand does not touch the door. He just appears to be mining the actions of pulling the handle and the door closes on its own.
Revealing mistake: After the establishing shots of Los Santos are shown, Michael is walking along a street. Whilst this is happening, many details in the background are suddenly animated part way into the shot.
Revealing mistake: In the opening establishing shots of Los Santos, there is a shot on the beach showing a woman lying down, and a dog running past her. In the shot, many objects in the background are suddenly animated partway into the shot, making it look as if they appeared onscreen out of nowhere.