Peggy Sue Got Married
Movie Quote Quiz

Peggy Sue: We had one glorious night together, someday you'll remember and write about it.
Michael Fitzsimmons: Yeah, I can dig that. Bittersweet perfection. Dogs of lust on leashes of memory.

Peggy Sue: We got married too young and ended up blaming each other for all the things we missed.
Carol Heath: So, he started having affairs and you started getting depressed.

Peggy Sue: It's funny. It's really funny. You bought an Edsel.
Jack Kelcher: Young lady, what's the matter with you? Are you drunk?
Peggy Sue: Uh, just a little. I had a tough day.

Peggy Sue: I know lots of things that are gonna happen. There's gonna be testtube babies and heart tranplants. An American named Neil Armstrong is going to be the first man to walk on the moon, July 20, 1969.
Richard Norvik: 1969? That's six years ahead of schedule.

Michael Fitzsimmons: I'm going to check out of this bourgeois motel, push myself from the dinner table and say, "No more Jell-o for me, mom!"

Michael Fitzsimmons: So are you going to marry Mr. Blue Impala and graze around with all the other sheep for the rest of your life?
Peggy Sue: No... I already did that.

Maddy Nagle: That Michael Fitzsimmons just doesn't look like the barbeque type.

Peggy Sue: Why don't you shut up and show some compassion? If you weren't so neurotic and insecure you'd see that Richard is a really great guy.
Delores Dodge: Are you for real?

Evelyn Kelcher: What's the matter, have you and Charlie had a fight?
Peggy Sue: Yes.
Evelyn Kelcher: What about?
Peggy Sue: House payments.

Peggy Sue: Charlie, it's like there's this window into my heart and you can open and crawl in whenever you want. Well, I've got to close it or nothing is ever going to change.

Walter Getz: The best thing about being a dentist. Pure pharmaceutical grade. Couple of lines of this, I could drill my own teeth.

Peggy Sue: I think I had a heart attack and died at the reunion.
Richard Norvik: Well, you look great for a corpse.

Charlie Bodell: Well, what's the point of being a teenager if you can't dress weird?

Peggy Sue: Then you think time travel is possible for people?
Richard Norvik: Yes. It's absolutely possible for people, for dogs, for cancan girls.
Peggy Sue: Oh, then I'm not crazy.
Richard Norvik: Well, I really don't know if you're crazy. I know most people think I am.

Revealing mistake: Last scene in the movie is Peggy Sue waking up in the hospital. The very last shot of that scene is of the camera backing up from what appears to be a mirror. If you look closely, it isn't a mirror at all, it's actually a window made to look like a mirror complete with another set of actors to mimic the stars of the movie's actions.

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Suggested correction: I don't believe this is a mistake this is supposed to show two alternate universes two different ways things are playing out.

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Trivia: Debra Winger was originally offered the role of Peggy Sue, but had to pull out after suffering a back injury in a bicycle accident.

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Question: I never understood the significance of the girl in the wheelchair at the reunion. Peggy Sue makes a big deal out of the girl but never in her "flashback" do we see this character.

Jeanne Perrotta

Chosen answer: In the original script, Rosalie (the girl in the wheelchair) injures herself in an accident. Peggy Sue tries to change things that happen in the future, including Rosalie's accident.


Answer: You DO see Rosalie in the past. She hosts the party at which Charlie and his group sing. And Jim Carrey asks for the lights to be turned out. She walks, and begins to dance with her boyfriend.

No, that was Maddie's party. Peggy Sue's mom said so when she asked her why she wasn't ready for the party, when Charlie came to pick her up.

I finally see her, thanks! She's to the left of Peggy Sue and her girlfriends as they watch Charlie and the guys sing. Then she's the girl dancing on the counter at the coffee shop when Peggy Sue meets with Michael Fitzsimmons the first time. I always wondered about the Rosalie plot hole.

I think we DO see Rosalie before her accident-she is the girl dancing on the counter at the coffee shop when Peggy Sue goes for coffee and a donut and runs into Michael Fitzsimmons. Peggy Sue pauses and watches her for a moment.

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