The Parent Trap

Trivia: As Hal meets Meredith coming out of an elevator in the hotel, she is mumbling "Let's Get Together", which was a song from the original movie.

Trivia: In the scene when Hallie (playing as Annie) and Liz (the mom) are walking to the photo shoot, they're walking across the street. It goes into a freeze frame while playing 'Here Comes The Sun', that was a Beatles song and the Beatles took a picture in those exact poses.

Trivia: The actress who plays Meredith's mom is the same woman who played Vicky in the original film.

Trivia: The hotel in San Francisco where they're all supposed to meet is the Stafford Hotel. In the original film, Stafford was the name of the boyfriend that twin Susan, playing Sharon, makes up to excuse talking to her mother about her father.


Trivia: At Camp Walden, when Marvas Sr. and Jr. get dumped in chocolate, the actresses were covered in real chocolate.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: Hallie and Annie are named after Nancy Myers' children. Hallie plays a girl at Camp Walden who asks where one of the camp cabins is located, and Annie plays an employee at the Stafford Hotel who brings Elizabeth a First Aid kit.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: The street Hallie and her mom are walking across is a remake of Abbey Road, recreating everything from the people to the cars, etc.

Stephen Edmonds 1

Revealing mistake: When Hallie is about to pierce Annie's ear, Annie puts the apple underneath her earlobe and Hallie puts the needle in - you can clearly see that Annie's ear already has a hole in it. (00:40:39)

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Suggested correction: I've looked at it closely. I can't see a hole anywhere.

You can also see that Annie's ear is already pierced during the lake scene.

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Question: What kind of wine was served on the Queen Elizabeth 2nd boat? I know it was a red wine that said "where dreams have no end wine 1983" but i've found that that wine is actually a white.


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