Hotel Transylvania

Plot hole: How does Johnny read the numbers of the tables when they appear to not have anything written on them? When Dracula seemingly falls from the table he doesn't just change into a bat and Johnny catches him. (00:47:48 - 00:49:27)

Plot hole: Frankie makes reference to fear of fire early in the movie in the scene with all the guests arriving at the hotel. And in the scene in the local village with the monster festival, a single match is used to send him on a rampage. But throughout scenes in the hotel itself, there are lit candles, candelabras and torches throughout, most noticeably in Mavis' room during the scene where her monster friends (Frankie included) are addressing her idea of going to a human village. None of this fire affects Frankie at all.

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Suggested correction: Candles are a controlled fire, and small in a room that's mostly made of stone. The match at the town was a sudden fire in front of his face that startled him. Even if he was concerned by the candles in the past, I'm sure that in the 115 years since the hotel opened, he was OK with it.

Continuity mistake: When Dracula and his architect are going through blueprints of the hotel, Dracula is seen with a coffee in his hand. Mavis spits from the ceiling and it drops down to the table where the blueprints are. When they scan up to Mavis he has coffee, when they scan back to Dracula and his architect there is no coffee in his hand.

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Dracula: [Sees a Twilight movie playing.] This is how we're represented. Unbelievable.

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Question: I don't quite understand, when all the other monsters find out Jonathon is actually a human, why does he suddenly decide he hates monsters? Wasn't he impressed with monsters even when he initially thought the ones at the hotel were people dressed in costumes?

Answer: He simply says that he hates monsters because he's respecting Dracula's wish and placing a barrier between himself and Mavis. He's trying to prevent her falling for him. He says this in the movie: "if I didn't say that your dad would have killed me."


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