Continuity mistake: Just after Victoria has been killed, Edward goes over to Bella to bandage the cut she made on her arm, tying the fabric around her wrist. However, when Bella cut herself, it was on the inside of her elbow, not her wrist.
Continuity mistake: Just like in New Moon, Bella's scar from James biting her is on the wrong side of her arm.
Continuity mistake: In the scene at the mountain campsite the camera pans out and shows that Bella is wearing brown cargo pants. When zoomed in again, she is wearing dark blue skinny-jean like pants.
Continuity mistake: At various times during the movie Bella's hair is different (she is wearing a wig due to her hair being cut for her role in "The Runaways"). You can notice it from the high angle when she walks to her truck the first time she goes to see Jacob, then various times during the movie her hair seems to be darker sometimes and her hairline moves as well.

Continuity mistake: Spoiler! When Victoria's head is popped off by Edward, who has killed her, her eyes are open. Seconds later, from another angle, her eyes are closed. (01:42:30)
Continuity mistake: Rosalie says when she is talking to Bella on the balcony that their bodies never change, they are frozen, but Jasper's hair is longer in Eclipse than it was in New Moon and Twilight.
Continuity mistake: During the scene where Riley's parents are talking to Charlie in the police department, his picture starts out on top of the file, then later they are handing it to him like he has never seen it before. (00:10:45)
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Bella is asleep while Jacob and Edward talk in the tent, Edward has a small piece of hair that goes back and forth from being on his forehead to not throughout the scene in many shots.
Continuity mistake: When Bella's talking to her dad on the sofa early in the movie, watch her right ear. Sometimes there's hair covering it, sometimes it's clear, and sometimes there's a chunk of hair hanging in front of it. (00:05:45)
Continuity mistake: When Jacob is carrying Bella through the woods, in some shots her left sleeve is quite far over her hand, but on others it's further back by her wrist.
Continuity mistake: In the "Be honest with me" scene, when Edward is trying to explain to Bella why she should not become like him, he states, "You'll always be my Bella". He sets his left hand on the right side of her head - in the first shot his left thumb is on top of her hair, when it cuts to a shot over Edwards left shoulder looking toward Bella his thumb is beneath her hair; cut back to the first shot and the thumb is on top of her hair again. (00:19:15)
Continuity mistake: Throughout the tent scene, where Bella is snuggled against Jacob for warmth, the green and white hat she wears move constantly between shots. Sometimes it covers part of her right eyebrow. Sometimes it is much above it. (01:27:25)
Answer: Vampire abilities can't affect her mind. It's explained in the book that what Jasper does is physical. He loosens tense muscles and stimulates production of the appropriate hormones and helps the subject physically relax, thus stimulating a sympathetic mood change in his subjects.
Garlonuss ★