Movie Quote Quiz

Royce: This planet is a game reserve. And we're the game.

Noland: They can hear you. Smell you. They see you.

Isabelle: We need to work as a team.
Cuchillo: Does this look like a team orientated group of individuals to you?

Royce: What's the last thing you remember?
Cuchillo: All of a sudden, there was a light. And then, I was falling.

Continuity mistake: When Royce kills the Predator at the end, he slices the head off, and it falls backwards, and the body falls forwards. One of the next shots now shows the head to now be in front of the Predator body.


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Trivia: The creature that hunts down the Doctor before being shot down by the Sniper girl is actually the original design of the Predator that was scrapped during Predator 1 due to issues with the costume and the jungle. The original Predator was supposed to be very slender with backwards knees and long arms, but because of the jungle setting, it was scrapped because the director was unable to make the costume work properly.

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Question: Nikolai comes across the colorful plant, which Edwin identifies to be poisonous, and he even knows its scientific name. But if the plant is known for Edwin, then it must be native to Earth, since there is no reason to believe that the doctor has studied extraterrestrial flora. Why is this plant growing in there? Have the predators maybe prepared the planet to be more "interesting", by adding some toxic plants from another worlds in there?


Chosen answer: Indeed, it's an interesting question, and not one to which any answer is given. In the absence of any other information, your speculation that the predators have taken various plant species from other worlds to study and just make their hunting environment more interesting is as good an explanation as any other.


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