The Crazies
Movie Quote Quiz

Russell Clank: Is he dead?
David Dutton: Well if he is, he won't mind waiting.

Bill Farnum: She worries too much. I'm fine. Just a little tired.
Judy Dutton: So, what are you doing for the weekend?
Bill Farnum: She worries too much. I'm fine. Just a little tired.

David Dutton: Don't ask me why I can't leave without my wife and I won't ask you why you can.

Continuity mistake: When the police car rolls out of the car wash, both passenger and driver's doors are open. When the shot changes to the deputy holding the rifle, the driver's door is closed. In the next shot both doors are open again.

More mistakes in The Crazies

Question: When Russell becomes infected, he tells the sheriff that he has saved him three times, yet I've seen the movie twice and saw Russell only save him two times (when he unplugs the razor machinery in the morgue and shoots a crazy through the window). Did I miss the third one?

Answer: The third time is by not shooting him right there.

Answer: When Judy was tied up in her baby room after the sheriff stabbed the other mom in the neck.

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