Question: Right before Trinity leaves Neo on the subway station, she tells Neo: "Everything the Oracle told me has come true, except this." She then picks up the phone and vanishes before noticing in horror the agent. What did the Oracle tell her that wasn't true? Was Trinity not (yet) in love with Neo? Had the Oracle told her that Neo should leave the platform first? Or was she referring to Morpheus's rescue, which wasn't supposed to happen?
Question: How exactly do you cut the hard line? In the scene at the hotel where the walls turn to brick, a shot is shown of someone literally cutting a cable with a big pair of pliers, but how would that affect the Matrix?
Answer: The entry and exit points from the Matrix are always functional landline phones - we don't know precisely why, as the full details of how this works are never explained (the book "Taking the red pill" has some theories). As the Matrix largely follows the same rules as our reality, cutting the line to the phone will prevent that phone from functioning, and thus it cannot be used as an entry point.
Question: Wouldn't it make sense for Neo & Trinity to attach silencers to their weapons in the government building? That way, they wouldn't have to deal with the SWAT team in the lobby and could sneak through the place to rescue Morpheus.
Answer: The security guards would have known they were carrying weapons, even if they were silenced. If you mean that the SWAT team wouldn't have heard any gunfire, therefore wouldn't have come down anyway, it wasn't the gun fire that caused them to come to the lobby. After Neo has entered (but before Trinity does), there is a guard who calls for backup on a radio seconds before Trinity kills him.
Question: In Revolutions Sati and Seraph are cornered in a room by the Smith army. At one point during the exchange between Seraph and Smith Saraph says "I've fought you before." How can they have fought if the two charters have never met?
Answer: Seraph and the REAL Agent Smith have never met before on screen. That doesn't mean Seraph hadn't encountered Agent Smith at some point before we begin following Neo's story.
Question: I could never understand this in any of the Matrix movies. They need to go to a phone that is ringing in order to leave the Matrix and go to the real world. The guy in their command center tells them where they can find that phone. Why can they not use any phone in the Matrix? Why do they have to go so far to get to a ringing phone? And why can't they just use their cell phone they have on them in order to get back to the real world?
Chosen answer: It has to be a hard line phone, one that is part of the matrix code, that's been previously hacked by the rebels. There's a network of them throughout the city, and the operator directs them to the nearest one after activating it. Their cell phones won't work because they aren't part of the matrix; they're loaded in just like the guns and clothes. It's possible the "hard" aspect of the phone also translates to a literal physical connection in the real world which the rebels can connect to.
Question: When Neo and Morpheus cross the road at the very start of the "women in the red dress" training programme scene, the short man with the glasses at the centre of the crowd crossing toward them looks up at Morpheus and nods at him. Has this anything to do with the plot or is it a genuine mistake?
Answer: Hasn't got anything to do with the plot, but neither is it a mistake. The simulation is meant to be realistic and plenty of the people in the crowd interact with Morpheus and Neo (bumping into them or moving out of their way). A nod to someone you're passing on the street isn't in any way unusual.
Question: Is it ever explained how Morpheus knows that Neo is the one initially? In the beginning all we know is that they are looking for each other, what happened before then?
Chosen answer: It's never explained. From what we do know, it's clear that Morpheus and his group have been observing Neo for some time, as they presumably do with potential new recruits. While Neo was too old to be a recruit, it seems likely that Morpheus saw something during that time that convinced him that Neo was the One, leading him to break the rules regarding age and extract Neo from the Matrix anyway. It's also possible that the Oracle gave him some relevant information when she told him that he would find the One - not a name and address, obviously, but something that Morpheus ultimately recognised in Neo.
Question: Morpheus points out that he has seen agents punch through brick walls, during his fight with Smith, Morpheus is punched several times, now the rebels in the matrix still experience pain and can die, so shouldn't a punch from Smith, who we seen punch through brick walls in the subway scene, shouldn't the punches that hit Morpheus kill him? Or at least break his face so badly he ends up brain dead?
Answer: Smith or the other agents don't want to kill him. They need his brain for information. They basically fight like that against all of them as they can extract information from all of them.
Question: During his private interrogation with Morpheus, Smith reveals to him that Zion is going to be destroyed, so there will be no need for him to be in the Matrix. But why would he want to get inside Zion? He would probably be eliminated together with the fallen Zion. Even if he somehow got free, would he survive in the form of a program residing in Zion's mainframe? His underlying motive to get the codes is different from the other agents' assigned purpose. What was their purpose and what was Smith's purpose?
Answer: In the first movie, Smith is a particularly vicious Agent, but he is still just one of several Agents following a search-and-destroy program against Matrix rejects and Zion rebels. It's Smith's pre-programmed job to ruthlessly, almost maniacally seek the destruction of Zion, but it is all part of The Architect's cyclic creation-destruction plan to keep the Matrix in balance. Neo destroys Smith, corrupting his code, at the end of the first film. When Agent Smith's code is resurrected in the second movie, Smith has acquired from Neo a taste for true freedom, making him a much more deadly, independent entity that operates outside of The Architect's grand plan, threatening to overthrow the Matrix, the Human World of Zion, and the Machine World, as well. As demonstrated in the third film, Smith was able to function in both the cybernetic world of the Matrix AND in the real world (by overwriting human consciousness with his artificial intelligence). But he didn't possess this latter ability until after Neo destroyed him in the first film.
Question: In the scene in which Morpheus offers Neo the blue or red pill, what is the music that starts playing as Morpheus takes the pills out of his metal container and continues after they get up?
Answer: There was a bootleg version of the complete Don Davis score for the film going around - chronologically I would say this piece of music was part of the track titled "Down the Rabbit Hole."
Question: In order for Cypher to speak to Agent Smith he must first, for want of a better word, 'plug' into the Matrix in order to accomplish this. My question is, how was he able to achieve this without his crew members finding out or seeing him 'plug' in to the Matrix?
Chosen answer: In the scene when Neo can't sleep and talks to Cypher, Cypher appears startled and quickly switches off the monitors. This seems to imply he is setting up some kind of "automatic" Matrix connection that will allow him to jack into the Matrix without an operator while the rest of the crew sleep.
Question: When is the song "Du Hast" by Ramstein played?
Answer: The song is not played in this movie. The only hard rock songs in this movie are Dragula by Rob Zombie and Rock Is Dead by Marilyn Manson.
Question: What is the mirror? What does it do? And why does it take over anybody who touches it?
Answer: What happens with the mirror does not appear to be typical of a 'disconnection', judging from the look exchanged between Trinity and Morpheus as the mirror 'heals'. What we see occuring may be the result of disconnection trauma triggering Neo's fledgling abilities, rather than some specific part of the disconnection process.
Question: When Neo and Morpheus are in the sparring program, Neo says to Morpheus, "I know what you're trying to do", and Morpheus replies, "I'm trying to free your mind." What does Neo think Morpheus is trying to do?
Answer: He is trying to make him so mad that he stops thinking and just acts out. This would free his mind of the imposed rules of the Matrix.
Question: What song is playing during the rave scene when Neo first meets Trinity?
Answer: That would be Rob Zombie's Track - Dragula [Hot Rod Herman Remix].
Question: What is the machine that grabbed Neo, and why did it let him go after the cables that were attached to him get removed from his body?
Answer: The machine is probably a regular maintenance machine for the pods. It grabs hold of him as the cables are detached to prevent him from falling out. It let him go so the body could be drained for recycling.
Answer: It let him go because he woke up and became self-aware. Everyone else was asleep in the Matrix fantasy world. The machines knew if anyone woke up, they would join the resistance, so Neo was considered defective and literally flushed away.
Question: In The Matrix Reloaded, the Architect tells Neo that each incarnation of the One went into the Source while the machines killed everyone in Zion. If the machines knew where Zion was the whole time, then why did the machines need the code for the Zion mainframe?
Answer: Because that would make it easier to access Zion, like opening the gates and shutting off defences.
Answer: You're misinterpreting her statement - when she said "except this", she wasn't saying that something the Oracle had told her was a lie, just that it hadn't come true at that point. The Oracle presumably told her that she and the One would fall in love - by this point, it's clear that she loves him, but, what she doesn't know yet, is whether he loves her. She wants to tell him but, in typically human fashion, is afraid to, for fear of rejection.
Tailkinker ★