
Matilda (1996)

Ending / spoiler

(29 votes)

Matilda's parents move to Guam and Miss Honey adopts Matilda. Miss Trunchbull leaves the school and gives Miss Honey her house back.


Continuity mistake: When Harry puts Million Dollar Sticky on the TV, between shots Zinnia puts her sunglasses on twice. (00:18:45)


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Agatha Trunchbull: You wanted cake, you got cake! Now EAT IT.

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Answer: The "real world" answer is that it's a movie, and without Trunchbull, there's no villain at the school for Matilda to battle. Within the context of the film, everyone, including the staff, is afraid of her and fear if they speak up, she'll retaliate.

Answer: They would have been simply too afraid of the Trunchbull to report her.

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