Logan's Run
Movie Quote Quiz

Jessica: A friend of mine went on carousel. Now he's gone.
Logan: Yes, well, I'm sure he was renewed.
Jessica: He was killed.

Box: Overwhelming, am I not?

Logan: Everything made sense... until Box.

Box: Welcome Humans! I am ready for you.

Box: Fish, plankton, sea greens... protein from the sea.

Jessica: Let's take our clothes off first, before they freeze on us.

Logan: Did you ever see Francis 8?
Francis: I never even visited Nursery before tonight.
Logan: You know, when you question, it slows you down.
Francis: I don't know. What makes you so curious? Do you know who his seed mother was?
Logan: Of course not! I'm curious, not sick.

Box: Regular storage procedure. The same as the other food. The other food stopped coming. And they started.
Logan: What other food?
Box: Fish, and plankton. And sea greens, and protein from the sea. It's all here, ready. Fresh as harvest day. Fish and sea greens, plankton and protein from the sea. And then it stopped coming. And they came instead. So I store them here. I'm ready. And you're ready. It's my job. To freeze you. Protein, plankton.

Logan: Who are you?
Box: I am more than machine. More than man. More than a fusion of the two. Don't you agree? Wait for the winds. Then my birds sing. And the deep grottos whisper my name. Box... Box... Box.

Logan: There... is... no... sanctuary.

Continuity mistake: In most of the scenes it is quite evident that Jessica has only a thin green dress on; when she meets Box she takes it off and she is nude. Later when she is outside of the dome and walking through the woods, she ducks to avoid some brush and she now has underwear on.


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Question: Why were the enforcers called sandmen?

Answer: In popular American lore, the Sandman is responsible for putting sand over your eyes to make you go to sleep. In this context the "sleep" is a euphemism for death, and the enforcers are responsible for making sure that everyone dies on time.


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