Apocalypse Now

Continuity mistake: After he decides to decline the offer to spend some time with the bunnies Chief Phillips picks up some tools off the roof of the boat. In the next shot he's already on the floor of the boat turned around and ready to go down the hatch to work on the engine. (01:27:25)


Continuity mistake: As the PBR backs out of Kurtz' compound the person at the controls is wearing a shirt. Lance is sitting on the front of the boat so the only other person that could be at the helm is Captain Willard who is not wearing a shirt in the previous or next shots. (03:14:00)


Continuity mistake: As he first spots the French plantation from the bow of the boat Captain Willard's watch reads 12:45. Then when Chef puts his rifle down it's 4:00. then two shots later as the captain walks forward towards the Frenchmen it's 5:50. (01:55:10)


Continuity mistake: As they come along side the sampan Chief Phillips says, "Look in that forward hooch, bring the people out of there." Clean slips on something and spins the machine gun "Canned Heat" towards the sampan as he ties the boats together. In the next shot the machine gun is spun to the left pointing away from the sampan. This reversal happens several other times. (01:35:10)


Continuity mistake: Clean tunes in his transistor radio to AMVN and we hear it continuously playing in the background as Captain Willard goes from standing with his shirt on looking at Chief Phillips as he pilots the boat, to sitting shirtless looking at pictures of Colonel Kurtz between shots. (01:13:50)


Continuity mistake: A little old Vietnamese woman wearing a bright red scarf around her neck is feeding bullets into the machine gun. Six seconds later as the machine gun is blown up her stunt double is not wearing the bright red scarf. (00:40:55)


Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After they first meet Captain Willard looks at Dennis Hopper and says, "Take who away?". The red wind spinner to left of the Captain is in tatters, but a few seconds later when Dennis Hopper walks back to the front of the boat it's back together again. (02:30:20)


Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Colonel Kurtz says, "And they call me an assassin," the statue in front of the TV casts its shadow on the left of the picture tube. The lighting doesn't change throughout this scene but the next time we see it the shadow is one quarter of the way to the center of the picture tube. Later the shadow moves back to the side of the TV again. (00:13:55)


Audio problem: As Chef says to Clean, "Should've given the f***er a silver star" after hearing his story about a Vietnamese lieutenant his vocal track cuts out for a few seconds then comes back. (01:13:45)


Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As they begin to break out of the fog bank Chief Phillips says, "Lance on the 50s". Lance doesn't move from where he is on the roof of the boat but Chef goes to the machine gun twice between shots and points it in different directions each time. (02:21:00)


Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Clean hammers on the helicopter door and says, "I got my rights, man." He's in direct sunlight when you see him from inside the helicopter and not in the shot of him on the outside. (01:30:00)


Continuity mistake: Clean starts out to the left of Captain Willard, then just before Colonel Kilgore lands he's behind the Captain chasing his helmet. In the next shot as the helicopter lands he's now in front of the Captain. (00:26:45)


Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After leaving the Do Lung Bridge everyone sits around reading their mail from home. Lance takes the canister of purple smoke and proceeds to throw it overboard as he says, "Hot potato. Hot potato." In the next shot he has the canister in his hand again. (01:51:15)


Continuity mistake: When Lazaro's boat initially approaches, the guy on the front has a flare in both hands that he's just about to ignite. When they cut to the next shot he doesn't have anything in his hands. (01:16:15)


Continuity mistake: As Captain Willard and Lance run away from Colonel Kilgore, their boat is coming towards them with no colored smoke behind it. A few seconds later we see it again with green and purple smoke behind it. (00:51:05)


Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Continuity mistake: There's a shot of two injured soldiers in wheelchairs sitting front row dead center as playmate of the year Carrie Foster is brought out to the audience. There's another soldier crouching between them who disappear between shots. (01:07:50)


Continuity mistake: Just before the warrior throws his spear at Chief Phillips there's a shot of Lance at the helm of the boat and we see the right side of the arrow in his hair pointing straight out and the left side pointing upward. In the previous shot both sides of the arrow were pointing straight out. (02:22:25)


Continuity mistake: Chef says to Captain Willard, "We'll go up there, but on the boat, okay?" and you can see orange smoke blowing from right to left across the screen towards Lance. In the next shot of Lance in the water with Chief Phillips' body there's no smoke. (02:24:50)


Audio problem: On the boat after they offer the joint to Captain Willard, Clean says, "All right, that's great" and his lips don't match what he's saying. (00:52:40)


Continuity mistake: As Chef shows Chief Phillips and Clean the picture in his Playboy magazine of Miss December you can see the USO stage behind them. In the previous shot of the boat leaving one of the six tall lipstick statues on the upper left of the grandstand was knocked down. Now as the boat departs all six statues are standing. (01:11:50)


Kilgore: I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

More quotes from Apocalypse Now
More trivia for Apocalypse Now

Question: Why was only one officer (Captain Willard) sent to assassinate Colonel Kurtz? Isn't it very unlikely for a captain like Willard to be able to kill a powerful and influential and "insane" colonel like Kurtz?


Chosen answer: Kurtz was protected by political connections and his military record from being relieved of command, and the Montagnard people whose village he was in were considered American allies, so they couldn't just send a force in to kill him or relieve him of command, but an individual assassin. (The US Government's "official" policy is that they do not engage in assassination, which is why "this mission does not exist, nor will it ever exist").

Captain Defenestrator

More questions & answers from Apocalypse Now

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