Apocalypse Now

Character mistake: After Captain Willard walks through the front door of the burnt out French plantation dock there's a close-up of Chief Phillips at the wheel the boat. He turns around and looks right at Chef and says, "Lance". (01:56:40)


Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Character mistake: When Colonel Kilgore is handing out death cards to the dead VC he says, "eight of spades". If you look closely at the card that he throws as it flies threw the air it's the six of spades. (00:28:00)


Character mistake: When Martin Sheen is on the boat, looking over Col. Kurtz's school papers, there is a dissertation by Kurtz on the history of the Philippines until 1905. The word Philippines is spelled "Phillipines"

Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the major helicopter scene when Ride of the Valkyries is played, the actual tape isn't going over the playing heads. (00:37:29)

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Willard: Hey soldier, do you know who's in command here?
Soldier: Ain't you?

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Apocalypse Now trivia picture

Trivia: The man shooting the movie during the attack on the beach who says "Don't look at the camera" is actually director Francis Ford Coppola. (00:25:38)

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Question: This may sound a little crazy to the uninitiated, but does anybody have an alchemical interpretation of Apocalypse Now? I remember seeing pages from Coppola's screenplay that were annotated and made reference to transmutation.

Jack Vaughan

Answer: It should be noted that "transmutation" is a word Coppola has used to describe the film making process. Https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LFTQcwgq4CY.


Answer: Could you be a bit more specific? I can give a link to the screenplay if you wish. Http://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/apocolypse.html I hope that helps.


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