Apocalypse Now

The only people on the PBR Streetgang to survive are Willard (Martin Sheen) and Lance (Sam Bottoms). Lance practically becomes a member of all Kurtz's people and takes part in the animal sacrifice. While Willard slowly contemplates killing Kurtz (Marlon Brando). He eventually carries out his orders and eliminates Kurtz by chopping him to pieces. Willard reads a page from Kurtz's journal, where Kurtz had written 'DROP THE BOMB, EXTERMINATE THEM ALL'. Willard walks out, where all of Kurtz's people stand their motionless watching him. He walks through them, grabs Lance and heads back to the boat. They sail off. (Redux Version) The Destruction of the Kurtz Compound by airstrike is added.

Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the major helicopter scene when Ride of the Valkyries is played, the actual tape isn't going over the playing heads. (00:37:29)

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Chef: Why do all you guys sit on your helmets?
Soldier: So we don't get our balls blown off.

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More trivia for Apocalypse Now

Question: Would anyone happen to know what song is playing in the background on the radio beside the intelligence officer sitting at the bar when Martin Sheen enters the Generals trailer and is being interviewed by Harrison Ford for the first time?

Answer: It's not any specific song; it's just the kind of generic piano music you'd hear at dinner at a high-class restaurant of the era. Think of scenes in movies, films, etc. set or made in the '50s and '60s, where the characters go to a nice dinner and there's someone at the piano playing unobtrusive music to accompany the food/conversation.

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