Wall-E trivia picture

Trivia: WALL-E stands for "Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth Class," EVE stands for "Extra Terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator," and M-O stands for "Microbe Obliterator," confirmed in Cineworld Unlimited Magazine.


Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wall-E presents Eve with the plant, he is facing her directly. When Eve is later viewing the footage from her security camera, Wall-E is shown facing at an angle towards the left of the screen, instead of straight ahead.

Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When EVE leaves the line-up and is followed by Wall-E, he does not leave a dirt path, though before and after this scene he does. (00:37:20)

Wall-E mistake picture

Other mistake: On the ship, Wall-E leaves dirtmarks everywhere, except when he's hiding behind an EVA pod. (00:37:20)

Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the escape pod scene (but before the 'dance'), Wall-E uses a fire extinguisher to fly back and forth. Between every camera shot except one, all the extinguisher particles disappear instantly. (00:56:50)

James King III

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Suggested correction: Not really I mean they disappear but they fade away.

They fade yes, but then they all simply vanish at the same time.


Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Eve fires a shot at the tanker they show an overhead view of the scene - there are three other tankers sitting on the starboard side of the exploded tanker. When the tankers fall like dominoes there are now four of them next to the exploded tanker.


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Suggested correction: There is correct number of ships, but more likely wrong ship is burning in second image.


How so? You can see 3 tankers + the burning one in the first and 4 + burning tanker in second one.


And as an added note, the screenshots don't do the mistake justice. When the tanker first explodes it lights the entire area up more than is shown.


Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wall-e is climbing the ladder on the space ship, he climbs nearly to the top. Then he is knocked down from the force of the take-off. Then in the next shot, he is back at the top. (00:31:40)

luke skyjogger

Wall-E trivia picture

Trivia: "A113" is the code for AUTO's directive to stop the humans returning to earth. This is a reference to the classroom at the California Institute of the Arts where character animation is taught and is placed in films as an inside joke by many alumni of the course, appearing, for example, in every Pixar film to date. (01:05:00)

Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Eve meets the cockroach and Wall-E, after blowing up the tires Eve approaches Wall-E. We get a shot from Wall-E looking down Eve's gun, and her eyes are squinted and challenging. The shot changes to the side so the cockroach can jump to Wall-E, and her eyes are softer and more neutral- then the shot changes back to looking down the gun and they're challenging again. (00:18:30)

James King III

Wall-E trivia picture

Trivia: After the end credits, the Luxo lamp's light bulb burns out. Wall-E enters the screen and proceeds to replace the bulb. (01:33:20)


Wall-E trivia picture

Trivia: When Wall-E leaves orbit on the rocket, they crash through a load of satellites. One of the satellites stuck to Wall-E is Sputnik, which according to the DVD commentary, was added on purpose as a tribute. (00:32:10)


Wall-E trivia picture

Trivia: The famous Luxo lamp makes an appearance as an arm of the sculpture Wall-E makes for Eve. (00:20:50)


Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wall-E places the Rubik's Cube down, the position of it changes to when he sorts the spork out. Notice the colours that are visible on the corners. (00:07:05)


Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: We see Wall-E chucking stuff into his cooler. The items inside the cooler are constantly changing position. Most noticeable is the rubber duck. (00:11:00)


Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the ship bursts through the field of satellites, you can see that none of them attached to the ship or WALL-E, but in the next shot, there are now 5 or 6 satellites attached to WALL-E and the ship. (00:32:10)


Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When picked up from Earth, Eve is placed into the first of five spaces (left). When unloaded on Axiom, it's the fifth on the right. (00:32:59 - 00:36:29)

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Suggested correction: They spun around when they got off.

I thought this mistake was already corrected and I'm not sure why it was taken down. It does seem that we see the other side of the wall after the first shot. The robots spin around and are now facing the other way. They are still in the same order though.


Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the Global CEO's message for A113 is played, the screen goes to the Buy and Large test pattern logo. As the Captain argues about the plant, the angle changes to Auto, and the Global CEO is on the screen again. (01:05:33)

Movie Nut

Wall-E mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When EVE leaves the line-up and is followed by Wall-E, he does not leave a dirt path, though before and after this scene he does. (00:37:20)

More mistakes in Wall-E

Captain: I don't want to survive. I want to live!

More quotes from Wall-E
Wall-E trivia picture

Trivia: WALL-E stands for "Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth Class," EVE stands for "Extra Terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator," and M-O stands for "Microbe Obliterator," confirmed in Cineworld Unlimited Magazine.


More trivia for Wall-E

Question: What's the name of the song that is playing at the start of the credits, before it actually begins scrolling upwards?

Answer: "Down to Earth", by Peter Gabriel, composed specifically for the film.


More questions & answers from Wall-E

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