Lake Placid

Revealing mistake: During the opening sequence, when the fish and game officer is just about to be attacked while looking inside the nest, there's a clear reflection of his lower body as the camera moves closer from behind him. This reveals the diver is in some type of tank, otherwise, this could be a piece of equipment, like Plexiglas (or similar,) put in place within a real body of water for filming purposes.

Visible crew/equipment: When the sheriff is listening to Betty White regarding how her husband dies and they begin descending down the stairs you can see the boom mic above the sheriff's head.


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Kelly Scott: [On the phone.] Thank you, it's so rewarding to imagine my tax dollar finding its way to you, you fuckshit!
Hector Cyr: You are a saucy flirt.

More quotes from Lake Placid

Trivia: In the scene with Fonda and Gleeson reaching the morgue to look at the tooth, you can hear in the background a page for Dr Miner. Steve Miner directed the film.

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