Any Given Sunday

Any Given Sunday (1999)

Ending / spoiler

(3 votes)

The Sharks are losing by five, and Jamie Foxx scores as time expires. You don't see the team lose the next week, but Al Pacino leaves the team and signs Jamie Foxx with him.

fatty mcgee

Factual error: During the final game against the Knights, whenever the score is shown on "TV", the Knights' score (home team) is shown on top and the Sharks' score (visiting team) is shown on the bottom. In sports, the visiting team's score is always on top and the home team's score is always on the bottom.

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Suggested correction: In American sports yes, but not in other sports. In fact during the 1970's, NBA scores showed the home team score first.

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Jack Rose: Oh that's great! That's just fucking great! Did you get that?

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Trivia: When Ben-Hur is playing on the coach's TV during his dinner with Beiman, didn't they think it was weird that the football commissioner (Charleston Heston) is the same guy as in the movie?

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