20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Continuity mistake: When Ned Land dives into the ocean to save Nemo from the giant squid, his knife is in his hand. After Ned reaches Nemo, he then draws the knife from its sheath.


Continuity mistake: Before the Nautilus rams the munitions ship emerging from the harbor, there is a land mass on the Nautilus' starboard side. After the Nautilus attains collision speed, the oncoming shot of the Nautilus shows no land mass.



Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, as the first Nautilus attack takes place, there is a moment, where the camera shows the Nautilus from the top and there is green light coming out of the back, as it was made out of glass. But the top of the Nautilus is made from iron.

Factual error: The giant squid's tentacles aren't shaped like ones in the real world are.

More mistakes in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Captain Nemo: The natives over there are cannibals. They eat liars with the same enthusiasm as they eat honest men.

More quotes from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Trivia: The name of the supply colony that Nemo shows the professor is Rura Penthe, which is also the name of the Klingon prison in Star Trek VI.

More trivia for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

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