The Hunt for Red October

Audio problem: When the members of the Dallas crew arrive on the Red October, Ramius asks Ryan "You speak Russian?" He asks the question in Russian, but his mouth is very visibly asking the question in English.

Cubs Fan

Factual error: When the USS Dallas submerges to attack the Red October, they rig for battle stations as well as rig for red. On a submarine, rig for red is only for periscope depth operations at night, to allow control room watchstanders eyes to adjust to the darkness topside. No other area on the boat rigs for red. Throughout the movie the lights darken along with battle stations. No naval ship would reduce visibility on purpose in a heightened state. (01:31:00)

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Admiral Josh Painter: This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.

More quotes from The Hunt for Red October

Trivia: The Alfa-class submarine Konovalov commanded by Captain Tupolev is named after Soviet Rear Admiral Vladimir Konovalov. In March 1945, he sunk the German luxury liner Goya in the Baltic Sea on its way to Kiel, killing 6220 East Prussian refugees out of 6385.

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Question: In the sonar room on the Dallas, there is a roll of what looks like toilet paper next to the monitor. Is there some special purpose for that?


Chosen answer: They use it to wipe the grease pencil markings off the screens.

We called it "the Duty Roll."

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