House on Haunted Hill

Revealing mistake: When the house has been locked down at the beginning of the film no moonlight could come in, however when the guests are being shown the coffin with the guns in there is a shaft of bright moonlight shining on to it.

Revealing mistake: In the opening scene of the film we see the patients of the institute smash through a cubicle where a guy is, watch closely. The glass breaks away very very easily, obviously some kind of special easy-to-break glass used for this scene. (00:04:30)


Factual error: In the scene where the cast find the guns in the tiny coffins, they mention that it is not possible to tell if they are loaded because the clips are welded. Being semi-automatic pistols, simply pulling back the slide & ejecting the first round would have easily determined whether live or blank rounds had been loaded.

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Melissa Marr: Now, that's enter-fucking-tainment.

More quotes from House on Haunted Hill

Trivia: If you wait until after the credits roll, you get to see what happens to the souls of the people who died that night - i.e. Evelyn and Steven.

More trivia for House on Haunted Hill

Question: Eddie reveals that he's not even a direct descendant of the original staff but was actually adopted. Why would the Darkness still try to kill Eddie even though he had no ties to the staff or institute?

Answer: The Darkness thought he was lying to save himself, everyone killed had the seven deadly sins. Greed, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath and Pride.

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