House on Haunted Hill

Deliberate mistake: When Eddie and "Jennifer" are walking around the house alone, she is trying to tell Eddie that she's really Sara. But by the time she is explaining that, Eddie has disappeared. She doesn't find him until later. But from the moment she finds him (and he is talking to her) he calls her Sara, despite never actually hearing her say that. Also, after they all get back together, a few of the other people start calling her Sara as well, but no one actually heard that either.

Deliberate mistake: In the scene about the Terror Incognita roller-coaster, when the rails break, they have ragged ends at the gap; after the first roller-coaster train derails, the rails move together again to close the gap and allow the second roller-coaster train to pass safely; but as you see the rails move together again, they now have neatly cut ends at the gap, not ragged ends. A deliberate error to mislead the audience, but an error nonetheless. (00:10:52)

Revealing mistake: When the house has been locked down at the beginning of the film no moonlight could come in, however when the guests are being shown the coffin with the guns in there is a shaft of bright moonlight shining on to it.

More mistakes in House on Haunted Hill

Evelyn: You know if you really love me, you'll find a way to drop dead in the next three seconds.
Stephen Price: Finding ways for me to die is really your deal, isn't it Eveline? Let's not forget the OJ knife with the not-quite-retractable blade. Your Jim Jones Kool-Aid was exactly that.
Evelyn: Accidents, all accidents until proven otherwise.

More quotes from House on Haunted Hill

Trivia: The Terror Incognita roller coaster is actually The Hulk roller coaster in Universal Studios, Orlando.

More trivia for House on Haunted Hill

Question: What happened to the carriage on the rollercoaster that flew off the rails?

Answer: Its just an illusion by Price. His rides are meant to confuse you. Like the tower ride looked like the cable broke and was falling to the ground.

More questions & answers from House on Haunted Hill

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