Movie Quote Quiz

Rasputin: You dare to banish the great Rasputin? By the unholy powers vested in me, I banish you, with a curse! Mark my words: you and your family will die within a fortnight! I will not rest until I see the end of the Romanov line forever.

Bartok: Just wishing I could do the job for you, sir. I'd give her a HA! And a HI-YA! And then a OOH-WAH! And I'd kick her, sir.

Anastasia: Oh no, not me... nope! No... nobody ever told me I had to prove I was the grand duchess.
Dimitri: Look, I.
Anastasia: Show up, yes. Look nice, fine. But lie?
Dimitri: You don't know if it's a lie. What if it's true?

Dimitri: What are you looking for?
Anastasia: The Russian Circus. I think it's still in here.

Sophie: It's a perfect ending.
Dowager Empress Marie: No. It's a perfect beginning.

Vladimir: She certainly has a mind of her own.
Dimitri: Yeah. I hate that in a woman.

Bartok: You're on your own, sir! This can only end in tears.

Dowager Empress Marie: You were the boy, weren't you - the servant boy who got us out? You saved her life and mine and you restored her to me. Yet you want no reward.
Dimitri: Not anymore.
Dowager Empress Marie: Why the change of mind?
Dimitri: It was more a change of heart. I must go.

Dowager Empress Marie: You'll stop at nothing, will you?
Dimitri: I'm probably about as stubborn as you are.

Rasputin: I am calm. I am heartless. I have no fear what so ever.

Anastasia: I'm not afraid of you.
Rasputin: I can fix that! Care for a little swim under the ice?

Vladimir: That's what I hate about this government. Everything's in red.

Vladimir: Dimitri! I think someone has flambéed our engine.

Dimitri: I was the boy in the palace - the one who opened the wall. She's the real thing, Vlad.
Vladimir: Then that means that our Anya has found her family. We have found the heir to the Russian throne. And you.
Dimitri: Will walk out of her life forever.
Vladimir: But.
Dimitri: Princesses don't marry kitchen boys.

Factual error: At the beginning of the film, we are told it is 1916, and the Russian Revolutionaries attack. However, the Russian Revolution didn't start until 1917 - on both the English and Russian calendars.

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Trivia: Inspired by the story of Anna Anderson (died 1984) who claimed to be Archduchess Anastasia, which would have made her the only surviving daughter of the Czar and Czarina of Russia. Only DNA tests years after her death proved she was not Anastasia, but an imposter which European nobility had long suspected.


More trivia for Anastasia

Question: Anastasia basically lost most of her memories from hitting her head, as well as the possible trauma of what happened to her the night her family was killed. Could someone really lose most of their memories that way?

Answer: Amnesia exists, but it is a temporary condition. It does not last for the long-term and people usually regain their memory in a day or two, sometimes up to a week. Extreme cases can last longer, but not in the way it is depicted in movies. Some people may lose memories due to severe brain damage from a traumatic injury, but that is permanent.


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