
Trivia: The drawing held by the Dowager Empress while reminiscing with Anya (the same drawing young Anastasia gives her at the beginning of the film) is a replica of a picture the real Anastasia drew for her father in 1914.

Trivia: Inspired by the story of Anna Anderson (died 1984) who claimed to be Archduchess Anastasia, which would have made her the only surviving daughter of the Czar and Czarina of Russia. Only DNA tests years after her death proved she was not Anastasia, but an imposter which European nobility had long suspected.


Factual error: At the beginning of the film, we are told it is 1916, and the Russian Revolutionaries attack. However, the Russian Revolution didn't start until 1917 - on both the English and Russian calendars.

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Anastasia: Oh no, not me... nope! No... nobody ever told me I had to prove I was the grand duchess.
Dimitri: Look, I.
Anastasia: Show up, yes. Look nice, fine. But lie?
Dimitri: You don't know if it's a lie. What if it's true?

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Answer: Because she is an old lady, the last of the Romanov line. She was no threat to him, when she died, it would be over.

Answer: As I recall it, Anastasia and her grandmother escaped through a secret passageway when revolutionaries invaded the palace. After the two got separated, the grandmother lived in exile in Paris, where she and Anastasia are eventually reunited. If the grandmother had not escaped, she likely would have been executed. Rasputin probably realised her being a prominent Romanov, as well as a grieving mother/grandmother, could garner public sympathy and outrage over the royal family's brutal deaths.


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