Chev Chelios: Don't pop a blood vessel, you little penis.
Chev Chelios: What is this stuff?
Doc Miles: Synthetic ephedrine diluted with some saline.
Chev Chelios: Feels sort of good.
Doc Miles: Yeah well. I got a little Meth in there too, so that's the endorphins you feel running to your brain.
Chev Chelios: Wait a minute so I'm not better?
Doc Miles: Fuck no you're not better. You're in such shit shape it's stunning. I can't belive your hearts still beating. Shit should be in a fucking medical journal.
Chev Chelios: Does it look like I got cunt written on my head? Who do you think you are fucking with?
Chev Chelios: I'm alive! I'm alive.
Chev Chelios: You haven't been tight since your brother fucked you in third grade.
Chev Chelios: I'm looking for something that begins with an E.
Pharmacist: England?
Answer: Well, yes, but the whole movie is full of stuff that couldn't really happen, like the walls of the club bulging out while Chelios was fighting everyone inside.
Phixius ★