Hang 'Em High

Factual error: Near the end, when Cooper and Rachel are talking in the street, you can see in the background a multi-story brick and glass office building. It appears again a few shots later.

Factual error: In the scene where people are arriving in town for the hanging, a family are told they have tents set up in the Boondocks. "Boondocks" is a Philippino word that entered the English language when the Philippines was a colony of the U.S. The movie is set 9 years before the Spanish American war so the word didn't exist in the English Language during the period of the movie. (01:11:20)


Factual error: The film is set in 1889 yet there's a sign for Kitchen Queen Baking Powder in the store window, which didn't exist until 1898.

Factual error: As the hanging begins a lady is walking across the street, she is wearing modern tennis shoes.

Factual error: When the camera pans above the gallows prior to the hanging, modern high tension electrical lines are visible through the trees in the far background.

Visible crew/equipment: As Cooper is unloaded from the wagon in Fort Grant and taken into the jail, a man can be seen on the far left of the shot who appears to be wearing modern clothes, with a yellow polo shirt, baseball cap and sunglasses.


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