Rose Da Silva: Sharon is adopted, but I'm her mother. I knew that the first time I laid eyes on her.
Cybil Bennett: She's lucky to have you. Mother is God in the eyes of a child.
Dahlia Gillespie: Into the fire, she swallowed their hate.
Rose Da Silva: You've darkened the heart of an innocent and now you cower in the face of Alessa's revenge.
Christabella: To find your daughter, you must face the darkness of Hell.
Dark Alessa: Now is the End of Days, and I am the Reaper.
Dahlia Gillespie: Why didn't she take me? Like the others?
Rose Da Silva: Because you're her mother. Mother is God in the eyes of a child.
Cybil Bennett: What the fuck? What the fuck? You saw that right? That was real? What the fuck is going on?
Alessa: Look at me, I'm burning.
Anna: Filth and lies.
Anna: Sinners deserve to lose their spawn.
Anna: We have to leave, we have to leave! The Darkness is coming.
Rose Da Silva: I'm looking for my daughter. I'm afraid she's been hurt.
Dahlia Gillespie: We've all lost our children. Our light.
Cybil Bennett: They used to say this place was haunted.
Rose Da Silva: I think they were right.
Anna: We are wandering far from refuge here.
Rose Da Silva: Let's keep her with us. She's all we've got.
Rose Da Silva: Honey, sometimes when you go to sleep you go on a little walk. And sometimes you talk about a place called Silent Hill.
Sharon: I don't remember.
Rose Da Silva: That's okay honey, that's why we're gonna go there. So you can remember.
Dahlia Gillespie: Fire doesn't cleanse, it blackens.
Rose Da Silva: Your faith brings death.
Christabella: The faithful must gather in judgement for we are called to purify this filth.
Christabella: Are you a person of faith?
Rose Da Silva: I love my daughter.
Christabella: That's not what I asked.
Dahlia Gillespie: Do not join the others, they are deceivers, they are damned.
Answer: It's either simply the same phenomenon explored in the film "White Noise," or it could be Dark Alessa warning them. She doesn't want the mother to be killed; but she does need to refine the mother's will, for the final conrontation with Christabella, with tests of emotional and physical endurance.
Phixius ★