Ghostbusters mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Dana arrives at the Ghostbusters' office, a crew member can be seen moving behind the filing cabinets behind where Janine is sitting. It could be Venkman, but even after Venkman walks over to Dana, there's still a rogue hand there, showing us it wasn't Venkman and was a crew member. (00:22:10)


Ghostbusters mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the library scene, when the ghostbusters are walking towards the old lady to ask her questions, if you look behind Ray's head to the right you can see a set light with a white tarp in front of it on the second floor of the library. (00:07:35)

javier santos

Character mistake: When Ray and Winston are driving across the Brooklyn Bridge around midnight in the Ectomobile, Ray quotes a verse of scripture claiming to be "Revelation 7:12". What he quotes is actually Revelation 6:12. (01:03:38)

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More trivia for Ghostbusters

Question: The music video for Ray Parker Jr's hit song features several celebrities who lip-sync to the word "Ghostbusters". Is there a complete list of all the celebrities in the video?

Answer: Chevy Chase, John Candy, Danny DeVito, Peter Falk, Mellisa Gilbert, Carly Simon, Teri Gar, and George Wendt, along with the four major stars of Ghostbusters themselves.

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