Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Factual error: The "Olympic team" sailing on the ship consists of approximately 18 men. The actual 1952 US Olympic team consisted of 286 competitors (245 men and 41 women), plus a large number of coaches, trainers, and so on.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Marilyn Monroe sings "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend", her hair is styled in a sleek bob. In the dressing room scene directly following the musical number, Marilyn has supposedly just walked off stage, but her hair has transformed from sleek to curly.


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Lorelei Lee: There was an old man named Sidney... Who drank till he ruined a kidney. It shriveled and shrank, but he drank and he drank... He had his fun doing it, didn't he?

More quotes from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Trivia: At the end of the movie, there is a double wedding at sea with the ship's captain officiating. Most people assume that a ship's captain automatically has that authority. However, in order to officiate at a wedding at sea, the captain also must be a minister, a judge or justice of the peace, or a Notary Public.

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