The Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key (2005)

Ending / spoiler

(5 votes)

Caroline (Kate Hudson) puts a liquid in Mrs. Devereaux's drink, which makes her temporarly unconcious. Caroline then gets Ben Devereaux and they try to leave the house. But Mrs. Devereaux woke up and does a spell to keep them from leaving. Caroline then hides Ben in the garden shed and escapes the house on a row boat. She goes to the lawyer Luke for help, but he turns out to be a bad guy and he makes Caroline unconcious and brings her back to the house. Caroline ends up escaping from them after telling Mrs. Devereaux where Ben is and she runs up to the attic. There, she does the spell which she believes is the spell of protections but it turns out its the spell Mrs. Devereaux uses to take peoples remaining years for herself. Because Caroline believes in Hoodoo now, Mrs. Devereaux takes over Caroline's body and Caroline is then trapped in Mrs. Devereaux's Body. It turns out that Luke and Caroline are Papa Justify and Mama Cecile.

Laura Gnavaa

Revealing mistake: When Ben falls from the roof and into the leaves during the storm, you can see the mat that he lands on move from under the leaves.


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Caroline Ellis: Luke, she tried to kill me. She had a gun, I got away just in time but I had to leave Ben in the shed. We have to go back.
Luke: The hell we do.
Caroline Ellis: I left him there.
Luke: Slow down... You didn't leave anybody.

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Question: Can someone please explain the ending to me? Did Luke use the spell too?


Chosen answer: The spell was performed on Luke at some point in the past by Violet's husband. Throughout the film, "Luke" is actually Justify in Luke's body.


Answer: Actually, as you see, the servants possessed the two children, so they didn't die right? And they both grew up to be violet and ben. Ben was ageing and became old so papa justify ended up taking control over Luke's (the lawyer) body and the real Luke was in ben's body. So papa justify and Luke had already switched bodies before the movie even started.

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