The 13th Warrior

Visible crew/equipment: In a scene in a cave that is the lair of the "eaters of the dead," the camera takes an overhead wide angle shot of the "eaters" walking down into the cave. It is possible to see a young man wearing a burgundy t-shirt and beige shorts (a crew member), sitting against the wall of the cave cross-legged. (01:16:55)

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Suggested correction: I've watched this scene a number of times on YouTube and I'm certain that this "crew member" is an extra. He is not wearing a T-shirt and shorts, his clothing is correct for an extra. There are also other extras sat cross-legged a few feet from him.

Jack Vaughan

The 13th Warrior mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Before the last battle, when the Wendol warlord nears the Norse village he's on horseback and raises his arm swinging his weapon. It cuts to his closeup, and under his right arm there's a visible plastic slider buckle on the strap (looks like nylon) of his bear costume. (01:21:15 - 01:30:55)

The 13th Warrior mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Before the last battle, when the Wendol warlord nears the Norse village he's on horseback and raises his arm swinging his weapon. It cuts to his closeup, and under his right arm there's a visible plastic slider buckle on the strap (looks like nylon) of his bear costume. (01:21:15 - 01:30:55)

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Buliwyf: I have only these hands. I will die a pauper.
King Hrothgar: You will be buried as a king.
Buliwyf: A man might be thought wealthy if someone were to draw the story of his deeds, that they may be remembered.
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: Such a man might be thought wealthy indeed.

More quotes from The 13th Warrior

Trivia: The cave people are speaking Central Yupik, "Ayakataalliniukut, kituusit? Kituusit? Aruulaika!" they are basically saying "we are going to be traveling, who are you? Who are you? Stop right there!"

More trivia for The 13th Warrior

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